Jon Weaver PhD Prize

The Macro Group UK “Jon Weaver PhD Prize” sponsored by Synthomer – is directed at rewarding the best PhD students in the field of polymer science in the UK. The prize will be awarded to a PhD student who has displayed an outstanding ability across a range of criteria throughout their PhD.

Award Information

Nominations to consist of:

  • a covering letter from the nominee (1 page maximum) describing how the nominee fits the selection criterion                                                 
  • a letter from the PhD supervisor on headed paper (1 page maximum), confirming that the student has submitted a corrected thesis                                                                               
  • a letter from the external examiner of the thesis (examiners report is NOT submissable), in which the date of the viva is specified                                                                     
  • thesis abstract
  • a brief (1 - 4 page) CV of the nominee including publications list

Lecture Details

The prize will be awarded to a PhD student who has displayed an outstanding ability across a range of criteria throughout their PhD. The award recipient will receive a certificate and will be invited to deliver a prize lecture.

Eligibility Criteria

    • Students who received their PhD from a UK-based institution
    • Macro Group UK members
    Career Stage
    • Early-career
    • Polymer Science


Nominations open TBC

Additional Information

The prize will be judged by a sub-committee considering the following criteria:

  • Award of PhD between 1 January and 31 December (submission of a corrected thesis is sufficient; the University does not have to have formally awarded the degree certificate)
  • Evidence of transition to independence
  • Fit to Macro Group UK remit
  • Quality and quantity of publications/outputs
  • Novelty of work
  • Communication of science

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Other SCI Awards

Macro Group Young Researchers Medal

Awarded to a UK-based scientist, with up to 12 years of experience since completion of PhD on December 31st of the preceding year, whose contributions to polymer science show outstanding promise for the future.

Macro Group UK Medal for Outstanding Achievements

Awarded to scientists from any country, this medal honours those who are recognised internationally for their continued, outstanding achievements in the field of polymer science.

Macro Group UK Medal

Awarded to a UK-based scientist, this medal recognises those who have made a significant and substantial contribution to the development of polymer science through their scientific achievements and/or services to the UK polymer science community.