
Flue2Chem is a first-of-its kind collaboration to design and validate a UK value chain to convert valuable industrial carbon emissions (both fossil and non-fossil) into sustainable materials for consumer products.

For the first time in the UK, businesses and experts have come together to explore using an alternative source of carbon to virgin fossil fuel for many of the products we use daily. Global product manufacturers are working collaboratively with other companies, universities and specialists with aim of achieving net zero goals across a range of industries. The initiative is supported by the UK Government.​

Over 5% of the world’s carbon from fossil fuel is used to make materials such as plastics, textiles and the components of many goods we use everyday. When these products degrade, they contribute an estimated average 2.6 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent to the atmosphere globally each year.​

As a potential alternative source of carbon, the Flue2Chem collaborative is examining using valuable CO2 emissions from industry. Academic and industry specialists are exploring complex processes and technologies to turn the carbon dioxide into the building blocks of surfactants, used in household detergents and paints. They are also assessing the socio-economic implications of this new potential raw material source.​

The findings of the Flue2Chem project could eventually lead to the sustainable production of detergent ingredients and many other consumer products. If the results are positive, it could lead to the end of petrochemical extraction for our everyday products and household goods, helping us to achieve net zero goals.

How does it work?

For further information on Flue2Chem please contact:

Liane Farrer
Tel: 020 7598 1562
Email: liane.farrer@soci.org