Thomas Graham Lecture

Established 2011

The Graham Lecture has been established to fill the gap between the McBain award for early career scientists and the Rideal Lecture, which is a “lifetime achievement” award. Typically, it will be awarded to those working in the UK who are in the prime of their research careers, have established an international reputation in colloid science, and have already made distinguished contributions to the field of colloid science.

Award Information

Award History

The Graham Lecture was established in 2011 in honour of Thomas Graham. In 1841 Thomas Graham founded the Chemical Society of London and in 1866, he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He was the last person to hold the position as the Master of the Mint, which was the position he held for 15 years until he died, aged 64, in 1869.


Nominations for the Thomas Graham Lecture can be made by any member of the Colloids Group (SCI CSCG and RSC CISG). The Joint Colloids Group Committee selects the recipient.

Lecture Details

The winner will be expected to give a lecture and will be presented with a certificate. Currently serving members of the Joint Colloids Group Committee are not eligible for the award.

Eligibility Criteria

    • Significant and sustained contributions to Colloid, Surface and Interface Science made while working in the UK.
    • Completion of postgraduate study between 15 and 30 years prior to the time of the nomination.
    Career Stage
    • Mid-career
    • Colloid, Surface and Interface Science


Nominations open January 2024
Nominations close 1 March 2024
Frequency Biennial

Additional Information

Code of Ethics for Members

Thomas Graham Lecture - Image credit: National Portrait Gallery by Maull & Polyblank (NPG P106(9), Creative Commons

Other SCI Awards

Katharine Burr Blodgett Award

Named after the esteemed surface scientist and the first woman to receive a PhD in Physics from the University of Cambridge, this award was established to recognise the best PhD research in the field of colloid and interface science.

Sir Eric Rideal Lecture

The Sir Eric Rideal Lecture is a late-career or “life-time achievement award”, which recognises and honours an individual who has made a sustained and distinguished contribution to colloid and interface science in the UK.