Young Lipid Scientist Award

Established 2014

This award is to recognise excellence and emerging talent in research related to lipids in any field across the physical and life sciences and engineering. Example areas include, but are not restricted to: neuroscience, digestion and metabolism, crystallisation of triacylglycerols, lipid oxidation, functioning of phospholipid membranes, compositional analysis, processing and disease prevention.

Award Information


Applications can be made by submission of a 300-word abstract of the results of their research on a lipids-related theme to Whilst their research can be placed within the context of a wider research group activity, it must be clear what their own specific research contribution is. In contrast to standard scientific writing, applicants are requested to make liberal use of personal pronouns to make this distinction (e.g. "I" or "my" vs ""we" or "our"). Students must provide the start date of their PhD. Applications close on 8 May 2024.

Presentation Details

Shortlisted candidates will be notified by email, and be required to give an oral presentation during the event on Wednesday 12 June. Presentations will be 15 minutes long, with a further 15 minutes available for questions. All shortlisted candidates will receive one year complimentary membership of SCI (worth £25), and will be refunded reasonable travel expenses.

Non-shortlisted candidates will be invited to present a poster at the event. There will be a best poster prize with the winner receiving one-year complimentary membership of the SCI.

Award Details

The winner will be selected by a vote of the Lipids Group Committee, and presented with their award at the end of the event. They will receive a prize of £100 and a certificate. The winner will also be eligible to receive up to £400 in expenses to enable them to present their winning work at an international conference (during 2024 or 2025).

Lipids Group AGM and Young Lipid Scientist Award 2024

Eligibility Criteria

    • PhD students within the UK
    Career Stage
    • Early-career
    • Lipids
    • Fields across the physical and life sciences, and engineering related to lipids


Applications open 20 March 2024
Applications close 08 May 2024
Shortlisting completed by 25 May 2024
Young Lipid Scientist Award 2024 presentation 12 June 2024
Frequency Annual

Additional Information

Code of Ethics for Members

Other SCI Awards

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The Scotland Regional Group offers up to ten SCI student memberships to postgraduate (PhD and Masters) research students working in scientific research in Scottish Universities, to help with networking and professional development opportunities.