Introducing SCI Ambassador, Emily Allen

"[...] there are a range of other events available throughout the year which could help me develop interests in other areas of chemistry."

Emily AllenWhat are your research interests?
My research interests include synthesis, sustainable chemistry and medicinal chemistry. The use of technologies in synthesis is an area that also fascinates me as areas such as AI and automation for drug discovery are becoming more popular.

How did you first get involved with SCI?
I presented my research project from my year in industry at the 2024 SCI-YCP Undergraduate IP and Apprenticeship Symposium, this gave me an opportunity to work on my presentation and public speaking skills as well as network with lots of like-minded students. By attending this event, I learnt more about SCI and that there are a range of other events available throughout the year which could help me develop interests in other areas of chemistry. I would recommend joining SCI for anyone that wants to meet other people in chemistry and has an enthusiasm for learning new things.

SCI aims to be ‘where science meets business’. What is the potential commercial application of your research?
My current research project doesn’t have a commercial application, however, beyond my undergraduate studies I am looking to work within sustainable synthesis so hope to research more environmentally techniques to improve synthesis.

What do you hope to gain from your involvement with SCI?
I am hoping to take advantage of lots of networking opportunities and hopefully participate in some events alongside my studies. I find industrial chemistry to be particularly exciting because that is where the chemistry is applied to real-world problems, I am keen to learn more about how problems are being solved using chemistry and to find out more about sectors that I don’t currently have much knowledge about.

Emily Allen
Department of Chemistry
University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham

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