Introducing SCI Ambassador, Jonathon Puleston

"[...] I would definitely encourage my peers to participate in this extensive network of like-minded individuals and experience the benefits of the many great events SCI organises."

Jonathon PulestonWhat are your research interests?
My research field is Chemical Biology in which I am aiming to discover new E3 ligases that can be harnessed for the development of novel molecular glues and PROTACs.

How did you first get involved with SCI?
As soon as I commenced my PhD, I joined SCI. More recently I have been involved through being a finalist in the Retrosynthesis Competition where I was excited to be at an event in which scientists from academia and industry were brought together to discuss chemistry. I would definitely encourage my peers to participate in this extensive network of like-minded individuals and experience the benefits of the many great events the SCI organises.

SCI aims to be ‘where science meets business’. What is the potential commercial application of your research?
In order to expand the number of degradable proteins and hence diseases which can be targeted, the number of E3 ligases accessible for targeted protein degradation must be increased. My PhD research focuses on the development of molecular tools for novel E3 ligases to address this need. This work is highly aligned with industry as it enables the targeting of new diseases for patient benefit.

What do you hope to gain from your involvement with SCI?
As an SCI Ambassador, I very much look forward to participating with the range of events and sharing these opportunities with my colleagues at GSK. These events will undoubtedly provide me with a sense of direction and a greater appreciation of the vast applications and opportunities offered by chemistry, crucial for my own development as an early career researcher.

Jonathon Puleston
GSK / University of Strathclyde, Chemical Biology Group

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