Introducing SCI Ambassador, Peter Kenda

"[...] I would encourage my peers to join because there are so many interesting events being held by the society."

Peter KendaWhat are your research interests?
My key interest is applying computational techniques to drug discovery to design something that will help people live better lives.

How did you first get involved with SCI?
As I’m starting a placement in drug discovery in September, I wanted to better understand the structure of the UK’s chemical industry, expand my knowledge and get to talk to really inspiring people at conferences, which I was first able to do at the brilliant Exploring Chemical Space conference in London.

I would encourage my peers to join because there are so many interesting events being held by the society all the time that can really help you decide what direction in chemistry to head down and also meet some really inspiring people.

SCI aims to be ‘where science meets business’. What is the potential commercial application of your research?
The hope is that by developing more and more accurate simulations of drug properties, the time needed to develop new drugs will shrink and patients will be able to get more effective and safer new medicines even quicker.

What do you hope to gain from your involvement with SCI?
I hope to gain inspiration from people further along their career track and get a good feel for the state of the chemical industry in Britain today.

Peter Kenda
University of Edinburgh, School of Chemistry

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