Introducing SCI Ambassador, Shane Dunne

"[...] Seeing the wide range of students who are involved with SCI, along with their areas of interest, is inspiring and helps foster the feeling of a truly global community."

Shane DunneWhat are your research interests?
Biomimetic synthesis and the use of metal nanoparticles as catalysts.

How did you first get involved with SCI?
I first become involved with SCI after hearing mention of it on a chemistry forum. After following up this mention with some time browsing the website I was intrigued.

SCI provides a platform for like-minded students to network, engage in personal development, and to receive insights into the practical applications of what they have previously learned.

Seeing the wide range of students who are involved with SCI, along with their areas of interest, is inspiring and helps foster the feeling of a truly global community.

SCI aims to be ‘where science meets business’. What is the potential commercial application of your research?
The use of metal nanoparticles as green catalysts is not a novel concept, but it is one that is in its relative infancy. Through the designing of novel nanocatalysts industry products are more efficiently synthesised, driving down the fiscal costs and improving the environmental impact of such syntheses.

Shane Dunne
Queen Mary University of London, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

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