7 July 2021

SCI 3rd annual scholars showcase

Organised by:

SCI's Early Careers Committee

Online Webinar: 9:30-12:30 BST

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


The aim of the event is to support SCI connections with past scholars and showcase the scientific achievements of travel bursary recipients during a poster competition, for which there is a cash prize of £75 for 1st place and £50 for 2nd place. It is an excellent opportunity to listen to scholars who currently work in both academia and industry. The event will be held on the day of the SCI AGM meeting and scholars will be encouraged to interact with the wider SCI community.

If you would like to present a poster, please send an abstract of maximum one A4 page or 300 words including schemes and references and indicating title and authors to conferences@soci.org by 23 June 2021 with the subject line "SCI 3rd annual scholars showcase".


Dr Andrew Logsdail

Cardiff University

Andrew J. Logsdail is a Lecturer in Computational and Catalytic Chemistry (2019-) and Future Leaders Fellow (2020-) in the School of Chemistry, Cardiff University. His research group works in the development and application of next-generation computational modelling, with a specific interest in understanding and designing catalytic materials and reactions. Previously, Andrew was a University Research Fellow at Cardiff University (2016-19); a Ramsay Research Fellow (2014-16) and postdoctoral research associate (2012-14) at University College London; and obtained his PhD at the University of Birmingham (2012).

Dr Anna Zhenova

Green Rose Chemistry

Anna leads Green Rose Chemistry and works directly with clients to solve their green chemistry problems. During her Ph.D. at the University of York, she noticed the market need for high-quality, on-demand green chemistry research for industrial applications, and founded Green Rose Chemistry to meet it. Her Ph.D. research developed new applications for safe, bio-based solvents, combining state-of-the-art computational modeling and comprehensive experimental work, with a particular focus on polymers. Anna excels in translating academic expertise to real-world applications, and has a rather unscientific fondness for clear communication and polished graphics.

Arron Aatkar

Arron Aatkar

GSK/University of Strathclyde Glasgow

Arron completed his MSci degree at the University of Bristol, during which he carried out an industrial placement with GSK and undertook his final year project under the supervision of Professor Jonathan Clayden. In October 2019, he started his PhD on the GSK/University of Strathclyde Collaborative PhD Programme, and in June 2020 he was grateful to receive a SCI Scholarship. Predominantly based at GSK within the chemical biology group, Arron is working on the application of reactive fragments to the early stages of drug discovery.

Holly Bonfield

Holly Bonfield

GSK/University of Strathclyde

Holly received her MChem in Chemistry from the University of York in 2018. As part of her undergraduate course, she undertook a one-year industrial placement at GSK's R&D facility in Stevenage. Here she worked on photochemical benzylic brominations in Chemical Development. Holly is currently a third year industrial PhD student on the University of Strathclyde-GSK collaborative PhD programme, supervised by Drs David Pascoe and David Lindsay. Her research is focused on synthetic applications of asymmetric remote functionalisation methods for the synthesis of bioactive molecules.

Shen Qu

University of St Andrews

Shen Qu is originally from China. He obtained his BSc and MPhil degrees from the University of St Andrews carrying out research in the Smith group. His PhD projects focus on developing novel kinetic resolutions of alcohols using isothiourea catalysis.


7 July 2021

Libby Linfield , Early Careers Committee
Learning from my computational predictions
Dr Andrew Logsdail, Cardiff University
Banking on Green Chemistry
Dr Anna Zhenova, Green Rose Chemistry
Q&A Session
Expanding the Scope of Redox-relay Oxidative Heck Reactions for the Generation of Remote Stereocentres
Holly Bonfield, GSK/University of Strathclyde Glasgow
Organocatalytic Acylative Kinetic Resolution of Acyclic Tertiary Alcohols
Shen Qu, University of St Andrews
The Next Generation of Reactive Fragments: Sulfur(VI) Fluoride Moieties in Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery
Arron Aatkar, GSK/University of Strathclyde Glasgow
Posters prizes
Webinar ends

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Organising Committee
  • Libby Linfield,ECC
  • Alan Heaton, ECC
  • Toby Waldron Clarke, ECC

For further information and prices, please email conferences@soci.org.

T: +44 (0)20 7598 1561 
E: conferences@soci.org