9 May - 12 May 2016

5th EdF Energy Nuclear Graphite Conference. Science and Engineering in Collaboration to Support Safe Operation of the Graphite Reactor Cores

Organised by:

SCI's, IOP and RSC British Carbon Group

The Grand Harbour Hotel, Southampton

Registration Closed

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The fifth EdF Energy Generation Ltd Nuclear Graphite Conference will take place at the Grand Harbour Hotel in Southampton between Tuesday 10 - Thursday 12 May 2016 (arrival and check-in from 2pm, Monday 9 May)

This conference will be the fifth in a series which has charted the extensive research and modelling of the irradiation behaviour of the graphite moderator in the UK Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors which has contributed to the successful production of safety cases for continued reactor operation well beyond their original design lives, thus playing a vital role in maintaining adequate electricity supplies in the United Kingdom during the transition from fossil-fuelled generation to extended reliance on renewables and new nuclear.

The previous conferences, held in Cardiff, Nottingham (East Midlands Conference Centre), Aston and Nottingham (again, The National College) attracted attendances of nearly 100 delegates representing the key supporting organisations to EdF Energy, specialised University research departments, consultants and regulators. The full proceedings of each conference have been published following comprehensive peer review, either by The Royal Society of Chemistry or by EMAS Publishing, and this will also be the case for the 2016 conference.


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Venue and Contact

Grand Harbour Hotel

West Quay Road
southampton SO15 1AG


Prof Tony Wickham

Tel: + 44 (0) 1597 860 633

Email: confer@globalnet.co.uk


For information about delegate fees and registration please click here

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Additional Info

Conference Themes

The main theme of the conference is 'Science and Engineering in Collaboration to Support Safe Operation of the Graphite Reactor Cores', and abstracts may be submitted in any relevant discipline - engineering, physics, chemistry, materials science, statistical or structural analysis, etc.

Special sessions with the following more specific topic areas for discussion are under consideration:

Microstructure: Is there a common position amongst the specialists on what really counts (to determine irradiation behaviour)?
Irradiation Creep: Is irradiation creep just an amendment upon dimensional-change behaviour? 
Reactor Inspection: Can we inspect just part of a core to understand the state of the whole core with adequate confidence?
Cracking of Components: Are the consequences of cracking greater for single cracking compared with doubly-cracked bricks?

Papers need NOT, however, be confined to these specific topics, and contributions on all aspects of the nuclear graphite life cycle (in the AGR context) will be considered.

There will be a welcome reception at 7pm on Monday 9 May prior to dinner: this will include the (very brief) Annual General Meeting of 'The British Carbon Group', which is administering this event.

For general enquiries, please call: 

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Ester Monfort
Committee Support Contact for the British Carbon Group
T: +44 (0) 207 598 1584