30 April 2025

Sustainable Innovation Challenge 2025

Organised by:

SCI Canada Group

To be confirmed - Toronto

Register your interest Postponed until October

SCI Canada:  
SCI is a unique multidisciplinary forum where science meets business on independent, impartial ground. SCI provides the opportunity for sharing information among sectors as diverse as Energy, Environment, Agri-Food, Health & Wellbeing, and Materials. Since its formation in 1902, SCI Canada has supported the drive for innovation in Canada with the recognition of achievements by individuals from industry and academia who have made significant contributions to the Canadian chemical industry. The long-standing Student Merit Award programme presents awards to chemistry, bio-chemistry and chemical engineering students across Canadian Universities. 

Sustainable Innovation Challenge 2025: 
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by all its member states in 2015, represents a global challenge to address pressing issues such as climate change, hunger, and availability of clean water and sanitation to ensure all people on our planet enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The 17 SDGs are outlined in detail and cover a range of issues. Chemistry, as a fundamental science, plays a crucial role in developing innovative solutions to these challenges. We invite students and early career scientists, including post doctoral fellows, to choose one or more of the SDGs and showcase their creativity and problem-solving skills by proposing a science-based solution to address a specific problem associated with the chosen SDG(s). The top selected teams will have the opportunity to pitch their sustainable innovation proposal to a panel of judges either virtually or in person. 
Sustainable Innovation Challenge Guidelines 
1. Team Composition: 
Teams should be no more than 5 people. 
Interdisciplinary teams are encouraged. 
2. Project Scope: 
Identify a specific SDG or a combination of SDGs to target. 
Clearly outline the problem statement related to the chosen SDG(s)  
Propose a science-based solution that addresses the chosen SDG(s). 
The solution should be innovative, feasible, and have a positive impact on society. 
3. Proposal Submission: 
Submit a written proposal of no more than 500 words, including:  
• Team members' names, institutional affiliations, and contact information 
• Project title 
• UN SDG(s) chosen and problem statement 
• Summary of the proposed solution 
• Brief description of the chemistry principles and technology involved 
• Expected outcomes and societal impact 
4. Proposal Evaluation Criteria: 
Innovation and originality of the idea 
Scientific soundness and feasibility of the proposed solution 
Clarity and effectiveness of the presentation 
Potential impact on the chosen SDG(s) 
Potential of the proposal for commercialization 
Team's ability to articulate the project's significance 
Key Dates:
Registration Intent Deadline: February 15th, 2025 
Proposal Submission Deadline: February 28th, 2025 
Notification of Teams to Present at Event: March 17th, 2025 
Pitch Presentation Date: April 30th, 2025 
• Location: To be confirmed, Toronto 
Prizes and Recognition:
For the team winning the Innovation challenge
• Institution of the winning team will receive the Innovation Challenge trophy with names of team members engraved  
• Each team member will receive The SCI Canada Sustainable Innovation Challenge 2025 Award certificate  
• Team members will be invited to visit an R&D site of one of the SCI industry sponsors in Canada to meet their corporate leaders and learn about career opportunities in the industry and its sector 
• Team members will be offered Mentorship opportunities from industry experts 
All Participants
• Certificate of participation 
• Valuable experience in research, presentation, and teamwork 
• Invitation to future industry network events 
How to Apply:
Complete an Intent to Participate application on our online portal
Submit your written Intent to Participate application and SDG Challenge proposal to scicanada@soci.org 

To be confirmed.
Accessibility Grants

SCI accessibility grants are available to support SCI members with disabilities, long term health conditions, those who require a carer, and members who are nursing parents to attend SCI events. Download an application form to apply for a grant.

Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org

Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions