25 November 2021

SCI College of Scholars' Day 2021

Organised by:

SCI’s Early Careers Committee

Online Webinar 10:00 - 13:00 GMT

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


The SCI Early Careers Committee (ECC) is organising its annual College of Scholars Day on Thursday 25 November 2021. This event will now be a virtual meeting only.

The event will consist of an overview of SCI College of Scholars activities and showcase the work of current SCI Scholars. The event will also introduce the new SCI Sydney Andrew Scholarships that are being initiated this year.

In addition, participants will receive a briefing on SCI involvement with COP26 in Glasgow including the ‘Next Generation Debate’.

The SCI College of Scholars comprises all current and past recipients of the RS/SCI PhD Studentships, SCI Scholarships and Travel Bursaries together with all early career award winners, early career committee members, SCI ambassadors and the Ramsay and Daphne Jackson Fellows. The Sydney Andrew scholars will also become members of the College.

This event is open to all members of the college of scholars and those in the early/mid stages of their careers.

Thursday 25 November

Webinar open to join
Session 1: College of Scholars' activities
Welcome and SCI College of Scholars and SCI Update
Alan Heaton – Overview of CoS, who is in it, current initiatives, changes.
Welcome to new 2021 SCI Scholars
• Joe Anderson, GSK/Strathclyde University • Joe Oddy, Rothamsted Research • John Hudson, Swansea University
2020 Scholars – how is it going?
• Paulina Quintanilla, Imperial College London • Burhan Hussein, Durham University • Arron Aaktar, GSK/Strathclyde University
Session Two: SCI Sydney Andrew Scholarships & COP26
Introduction to the SCI Sydney Andrew Scholarships
Jenny Mordue - Overview of the scheme: origins, purpose, process and outcomes.
Scholarships overview
• Maria Koulouri, Imperial College, London • Ayman Mohammed, University of York • Linnet McGregor, University of Aberdeen
The COP26 experience
Natasha Boulding, Sphera Limited, CEO and Co-founder
Webinar close
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