11 May 2022

Mcbain Medal 2021

Organised by:

SCI's Colloid & Surface Chemistry Group and RSC's Colloid & Interface Science Group

SCI, London, UK

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Harnessing colloid and interface science to drive biomaterials and biotechnology development

SCI's Colloid & Surface Chemistry Group and RSC's Colloid & Interface Science Group are delighted to announce that Prof Matthew Gibson of the University of Warwick is the 2021 recipient of the McBain Medal. Matthew’s research programme focuses on harnessing polymer, interface, and colloid science to drive biomaterials and biotechnology development.

The McBain Medal is presented annually to an early career researcher (within 15 years of the award of a PhD) for outstanding achievement in colloid and interface science. This full day meeting will honour Prof Matthew Gibson and at the same time the Medal will be presented. 


This event will be of interest to researchers working on colloid and polymer chemistry, soft matter physics, drug delivery, materials science, and biointerfaces. The meeting will focus on fundamental aspects that underpin applications in cell preservation, sensing, nanomedicine, and diagnostics.

Call for posters

Opportunities are available for a limited number of posters. Interested applicants should send an abstract of maximum one A4 page or 300 words, indicating title and authors to conferences@soci.org by Thursday 21 April 2022 with the subject line “McBain medal 2021 – poster submission”. An abstract template can be downloaded here.

Cameron Alexander headshot

Prof Cameron Alexander

University of Nottingham

Cameron Alexander is Professor of Polymer Therapeutics at the School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham, UK.
Professor Alexander received degrees (BSc and PhD) in Chemistry from the University of Durham, UK and carried out post-doctoral research at the Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis, University of Cambridge. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and received the UK Macro Group Medal in 2014 for contributions to polymer science. His research focuses on drug, gene and cell delivery for applications in areas ranging from infectious diseases through to cancers and neurodegeneration. This work has been generously funded by research councils, industry and charities.
Professor Alexander has been highly fortunate to work with scientists from more than 20 countries in his research group in the last decade, and the group maintains strong international links despite current restrictions!

Gabriele Sosso headshot

Dr Gabriele Sosso

University of Warwick

Gabriele C. Sosso is an associate professor of computational physical chemistry at the University of Warwick. He earned his PhD in Nanostructures and Nanotechnologies in 2012, at the University of Milano-Bicocca. He held postdoctoral positions in the research groups of Prof. M. Parrinello and A. Michaelides at ETH Zurich and UCL, respectively. His research focuses on atomistic computer simulations of disordered systems and phase transitions, particularly crystal nucleation and growth and the formation of ice in biological matter.

Matthew Gibson headshot

Prof Matthew Gibson

University of Warwick

Matt holds a personal chair (Full Professor) in the Department of Chemistry and also the Medical School at the University of Warwick, UK. He is a Royal Society Industry Fellow, Co-Director of the MRC DTP in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research and co-founder of Cryologyx Ltd. Professor Gibson’s multidisciplinary research group focusses on developing biomaterials to address healthcare challenges. Most recently they have developed new tools for rapid COVID-19 diagnostics and polymers to protect biologics during cold storage.

rachel o'reilly headshot

Prof Rachel O'Reilly

University of Birmingham

Rachel O’Reilly is currently a Professor of Chemistry and Head of School at the University of Birmingham. She got her first degree from the University of Cambridge and went on to complete her PhD at Imperial College, London in 2003 with Professor Vernon Gibson. She then moved to the US to under the joint direction of Professors Craig J. Hawker and Karen L. Wooley. In 2006 she took up a Royal Society Fellowship at the University of Cambridge and then in 2009 she moved to the University of Warwick and in 2012 was promoted to full professor. She moved to Birmingham in 2018. Her group undertakes research in the area of catalysis, responsive polymers, nanostructure characterization and DNA nanomaterials. She has published over 200 papers to date and has received a number of awards, including the IUPAC-Samsung young polymer scientist award in 2012, and in 2013 the American Chemical Society Mark Young Polymer Scientist award. In 2017 she was awarded the Macromolecules/Biomacromolecules young investigator award from the ACS in recognition of her innovative research in polymer science and in 2020 the RSC Corday-Morgan Prize. She is an associate editor for JACS and a review editor for Science.


Wednesday 11 May

Registration and refreshments
Opening remarks
Dr Nacho Martin-Fabiani and Dr Pete Shaw
How polymer and colloid architecture influence biomedical applications
Prof Cameron Alexander, University of Nottingham, UK
Ice formation in biological matter: a computational perspective
Dr Gabriele Sosso, University of Warwick, UK
Refreshment break
Controlling crystallisation: from Ice to internal combustion engines
Dr Chris Stubbs, Infineum, UK
Lunch and posters
Getting into shape – designing precision polymer nanoparticles
Prof Rachel O’Reilly, University of Birmingham, UK
Multivalent glycan probes as potential theranostic tools
Prof Carmen Galan, University of Bristol, UK
Refreshment break
Polymers and particles to interface with biology: From new cryoprotectants to rapid diagnostics
Prof Matthew Gibson, University of Warwick, UK
Final remarks
Conference close
Due to the uncertainty and ever changing situation regarding the pandemic and company travel policies, it may be necessary for some speakers to present remotely at short notice.
Venue and Contact


14/15 Belgrave Square

Conference Team

Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org

Early bird rates before Friday 25 March 2022:
SCI / RSC Member £60
SCI / RSC Student Member £30
Non-member £75
Standard rates after Friday 25 March 2022:
SCI / RSC Member £80
SCI / RSC Student Member £40
Non-member £95


RSC members should email their name, membership type and number to conferences@soci.org ;in order to receive the relevant code to book for this event.

All registrations will automatically receive a confirmation within 24 hours of registering for the event. Should you not receive written confirmation of your booking, please email conferences@soci.org.

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Organising Committee
  • Dr Ignacio Martin-Fabiani, Loughborough University, UK
  • Dr Pete Shaw, Synthomer (retired), UK