14 November 2018
Organised by:
SCI's Australia International Group
Victoria, Australia
This event is no longer available for registration.
The second event of this series will provide an opportunity to talk about issues of relevance to both people from academia and industry, to network and to listen to a number of experts' views on regulation.
This event is for all representatives of academia and industry, with a focus on academics seeking to understand the problems and opportunities facing industry, and industrialists seeking to understand potential opportunities and advantages of working with academics.
Reckitt Benckiser P/L
Dr Bowman, regulatory affairs manager at Reckitt Benckiser will address how chemicals are regulated in Australia.
Chemvit consulting
Mr Vitali was formerly key technical and subject matter expert in dangerous goods and incident case investigator at WorkSafe Victoria before setting up Chemvit P/L and will talk about how chemical manufacturing and storage facilities and the transport of dangerous and hazardous goods are regulated.
Australian Institute of Food Science & Technology
Managing Director Fleming will discuss regulations in the food industry.
Light refreshments will be served on arrival. An informal dinner will be arranged to follow the formal part of the evening (at participants’ own cost).
BASF offices
BASF offices,
28 Freshwater Pl,
Southbank VIC 3006,
Mr Richard Thwaites (Australia International Group Chair)
Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561
Email: Richard.thwaites@bigpond.com
SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.