31 May 2016

Day of Science and Careers Scotland 2016: Made in Scotland - Applied Research and Manufacturing

Organised by:

SCI's Scotland Group

University Of Strathclyde

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


Calling Undergraduates and Postgraduates - join us for the Day of Science and Careers Scotland 2016, a special event targeted at early career people. This is the perfect opportunity for early career scientists to meet with people working in the manufacturing industries (in particular the food and drink, industrial biotechnology, personal and household care industries) across Scotland, and start developing their career. An exciting and diverse range of speakers has been selected to talk about their experiences working in the industry, SMEs and research institutes. This year's event features the theme; Made in Scotland: Applied Research and Manufacturing.

There will be several networking opportunities during the day, concluding with a drinks and nibbles reception - giving an informal setting for delegates to chat to speakers and fellow delegates. All breaks will take place in the Exhibition Area so delegates can meet with potential recruiters and gain further knowledge about applying for jobs.


Day 1 - 31st May 2016

Event Schedule
Registration and Coffee
Welcome and Introduction Dr Tiffany Wood, SCI Scotland Group Chair, University of Edinburgh Part 1 Perspectives from Big Industries Dr Rainer Ebel (Session Chair), SCI Scotland Group Committee and University of Aberdeen
Chemical Industry - Developing Skills for the Chemical Sciences Sector Ronnie Palin, Skills Development, Scotland
Personal Care Products and Pharmaceuticals - Developing Medicines - Helping People to Get Well, Feel Well and Stay Well Colin Brown, Mentholatum Company
Food Industry - An Unconventional Career Path Ryan Cameron, Devro
Questions and Discussion
Lunch and Networking Part 2 Perspectives from SMEs Dr Stuart Reid (Session Chair), SCI Scotland Group Treasurer, University of the West of Scotland
Environmental Care Technologies - My Career Path Since Graduating Gary Callachan, Scotmas Ltd
Scottish Seaweed Industry - Me and an SME Kirsty Black, Marine Biopolymers Ltd
Bioprocessing Industry - Bunsens, Beer and Bugs...from Chemistry to Fermentation and Microbiology Dr Alison Arnold, Ingenza Ltd
Questions and Discussion
Tea Break Part 3 Getting into Research and Academia Dr RuAngelie Edrada-Ebel (Session Chair), SCI Scotland Group Secretary and University of Stathclyde
Opportunities in Academic Research - Medicines From the Sea - An International Perspective Dr Katherine Duncan, Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS)
Skills for Research and Industry - From Over the Counter Medicines to Biofuels and Nutraceuticals Susanne Boyle, IBioIC
Being a STEMNET Ambassador - Introduction to the STEM Ambassadors Programme Dr Lynsey MacPhail, University of Highlands and Islands
Questions and Discussion
Round Up Dr Tiffany Wood, SCI Scotland Group Chair and University of Edinburgh
Networking Drinks and Nibbles
Accessibility Grants

SCI accessibility grants are available to support SCI members with disabilities, long term health conditions, those who require a carer, and members who are nursing parents to attend SCI events. Download an application form to apply for a grant.

Venue and Contact

University of Strathclyde

The John Arbuthnott Building
161 Cathedral Street 
G4 0RE

Please click here for a location map.

SCI Communications Team

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7598 1594

Email: communications@soci.org

This event is FREE to attend, although booking is required. Places are limited so early booking is advisable.

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