10 June - 11 June 2021

SCI Electrochemistry Postgraduate Conference 2021

Organised by:

SCI’s Electrochemical Technology Group

Online Webinar

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SCI Electrochemistry Postgraduate Conference (SCI-ECP) 2021 will provide PhD students and Post-doctoral researchers with the opportunity to present their work in the fields of electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering.

Key themes will be:  Electrochemistry and Industrial Applications of Electrochemistry, Corrosion, Batteries, Semiconductors, Fuel cells and Sensors.

It is a free event and open to postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers nationally/internationally as the event this year will be run online as a webinar this year. 


This event will be suitable for PhD students/Postdocs to showcase their work, network and gain an idea on what research is being carried out in their respective field.

Speakers from industry will showcase technologies, market and pitch new techniques that would be relevant to all people working in this sector. Therefore, it will be useful for early and mid-career researchers and members from industry.

Paul Shearing

Paul Shearing

University College London

Paul Shearing is a Professor in Chemical Engineering at University College Lon don where he holds The Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Bat tery Technologies. His research interests cover a broad range of electrochemical engineering themes with a particular interest in the relationship between perfor mance and microstructure for energy materials. He co-directs UCL’s Electrochemical Innovation lab and leads the UK STFC Global Challenge Network in Batteries and Electrochemical Devices. He was a founding investigator of the UK’s Faraday Institution, where he chairs the Train ing & Diversity Panel, is PI of the LiSTAR programme investigating Li-Sulfur bat tery technologies and the SAFEBATT programme on battery safety.

Roger Newman

Roger Newman

University of Toronto

Roger Newman is Professor and UNENE Research Chair in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. He spent 20 years in the Corrosion and Protection Centre, UMIST, before moving to Canada in 2004. His research interests include localized corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and nanomaterials, specifically nanoporous metals. He is a Fellow of IoM3, NACE In ternational, the Institute of Corrosion, and the Electrochemical Society.


The full programme will be announced 2 months in advance of the event date.


This event is free to attend.

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Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions

Call for papers

Contributions are invited from those working in all areas of electrochemistry research, development, commercialization and application. 

There are two options: 

Oral paper (15mins +5 min questions) 
Virtual Poster 

An abstract of maximum 250 words indicating title, authors, institution and preference for presentation option (Oral or digital Poster) should be sent to conferences@soci.org by Friday 28 May 2021 with the subject line “SCI Electrochemistry Postgraduate Conference - abstract submission” Oral presentation slots are inevitably limited and will be allocated to achieve a balanced programme. Topics may be results, reviews or plans and may have already been presented elsewhere. Prizes will be awarded for the best poster. 


Organising Committee
  • Hussam Attar, UOM
  • Alexander Hanson, UOM
  • Abdulaziz Kablan, UOM
  • Robin Kroll, UOM
  • Rosa Lang, UOM
  • Dr Sultan Mahmood, UOM
  • Carlos Sanchez, UOM
  • Okan Yetik, UOM/EPFL
  • Dr Yiqi Zhou, UOM

For further information please email conferences@soci.org


Conference Team

Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org