15 November 2022

Challenges in Catalysis VII

Organised by:

SCI’s Fine Chemicals group and RSC’s Applied Catalysis Group

RSC, London, UK

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


The SCI’s Fine Chemicals Group and the RSC’s Applied Catalysis Group are pleased to announce this one-day biennial symposium - Challenges in Catalysis for Pharmaceuticals and Fine chemicals VII. The aim of this meeting, well-supported both by industry and academia is to debate the current developments in catalysis, where they are going and what industry needs.  An exciting line up of leading academic and industrial scientists will present a series of lectures covering topics in homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzymatic catalysis.


This meeting is suitable for all organic/medicinal chemists (early and mid-career) working in academia and industry and chemical engineers in process development.


For further information and prices, please email conferences@soci.org

Call for posters

An abstract of maximum one A4 page or up to 300 words, indicating title and authors, should be sent to conferences@soci.org by Friday 28 October 2022 with the subject line “Challenges in Catalysis VII- poster abstract submission”. Download an abstract template here.


Naomi Szulc


Naomi Szulc received a B.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of Southampton and went on to work as an industrial chemist investigating coatings and adhesives for the security sector. She joined PhosphonicS in 2019 as a scientist and has been involved in the product development of functionalised silicas and with clients to develop solutions for metal recovery.

Prof Natalie Fey

University of Bristol

Natalie Fey is an Associate Professor in Chemistry at the University of Bristol. Her group use computational approaches as a driver for scientific discovery, with a particular focus on organometallic catalysis. She is German, but lives and works in the UK, completing a B.Sc. (Chemistry and Economics, 1997) and a Ph.D. (2001) at Keele University, followed by postdoc positions with Rob Deeth at Warwick University and with Guy Orpen and Jeremy Harvey, and later also Guy Lloyd-Jones, at Bristol. She was awarded a prestigious EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship in 2007 to start her independent career, worked with CatSci on ligand design (2012-14) and was appointed as lecturer in 2015, promoted to senior lecturer in 2018 and to associate professor in 2021. She is the programme director for Bristol’s programmes in Chemistry with Scientific Computing and an Associate Editor for Organometallics.

Prof Nicholas Turner

University of Manchester

Nicholas Turner is Professor of Chemical Biology, Director of the Centre of Excellence in Biocatalysis (CoEBio3) and co-Director of SYNBIOCHEM. His research interests span biocatalysis, directed evolution of enzymes and synthetic biology. He has published >400 papers/patents with an h-index of 76 and ca. 20,000 citations. He is a member of several Scientific Advisory Boards and consults widely. He has received many awards for his research achievements and currently holds an ERC Advanced Grant (2017-2022). In May 2020 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) and in 2021 he became a Member of Academia Europea (MAE).

Prof Christophe Copéret

ETH Zurich

Prof. Christophe Copéret (CCH) was trained in chemistry and chemical engineering at CPE Lyon, France, and carried out a PhD in chemistry with Prof. E.i. Negishi (Purdue University, USA – 1991-1996), where he investigated the synthesis of complex molecules via Pd-catalyzed carbonylation reactions. After a postdoctoral stay with Prof. K.B. Sharpless (Scripps), CCH was offered a research position at CNRS in 1998 and was promoted CNRS Research Director in 2008. Since 2010, CCH is Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich. His scientific interest lies at the frontiers of molecular, material and surface chemistry as well as NMR spectroscopy with the aims to design molecularly-defined solid catalysts through detailed mechanistic studies and structure-activity relationships. CCH is a member of the Board of the Swiss Chemical Society and EuChemS, the Chair of SwissCat+ and an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Dr Sam Staniland


Graduated in 2011 from University of Manchester with a year in Industry at Pfizer, Sandwich in Medicinal Chemistry. Carried out PhD for Prof. Nick Turner and Prof. Jonathan Clayden at the University of Manchester, working on the asymmetric synthesis of atropisomers using biocatalysis. In 2015 I worked at Johnson Matthey, Cambridge, working on innovative catalytic solutions to customer projects, both chemocatalysis and biocatalysis. In 2021 I moved to AstraZeneca, Macclesfield in the Biocatalysis team, implementing biocatalytic steps into chemical processes. I recently moved to AstraZeneca, Cambridge, where I am developing their HTE capability.


Tuesday 15 November

Registration and refreshments
Introduction and welcome
Bridging the gap between well-defined and industrial catalyst via a molecular approach of surface chemistry
Prof Dr Christophe Copéret, ETH Zurich
Sustainable Catalytic Processes – Metal Scavenging in Action
Naomi Szulc, PhosphonicS
Lunch, posters and exhibition
Discovery and application of multi-functional biocatalysts for organic synthesis
Prof Nicholas Turner, University of Manchester
Why Biocatalysis?
Dr Samantha Staniland, AstraZeneca
Refreshments, posters and exhibition
Intelligence from data – towards data-led prediction in homogeneous catalysis
Dr Natalie Fey, University of Bristol
Title to be confirmed
Prof Corinna Schindler, University of Michigan
Poster prize presentation
Closing remarks
Networking reception
Due to the uncertainty and ever changing situation regarding the pandemic and company travel policies, it may be necessary for some speakers to present remotely at short notice.
Venue and Contact


Burlington House Piccadilly 

Conference Team

Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org

Before early bird - ends 12 October 2022
SCI/RSC Member - £120
Non-member - £140
SCI/RSC Student member - £35
After early bird
SCI/RSC Member - £170
Non-member - £195
SCI/RSC Student member - £50

 *RSC members should email their name, membership type and number to conferences@soci.org in order to receive the relevant code to book for this event.

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Booking Process/Deadlines

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Organising committee

Emmanuel Callens, SCI / Selcia
Amanda Jarvis, University of Edinburgh
Katherine Wheelhouse, GlaxoSmithKline