14 May 2025
Organised by:
SCI’s Fine Chemicals group, SCI’s Agrisciences group and RSC’s Agriculture Sector
SCI, London, UK
SCI’s Fine Chemicals Group and Agrisciences groups are committed to promoting diversity and equality in the chemical sciences. We aim to identify high quality speakers for all our conferences with full inclusivity where attendees from all backgrounds are welcome. We are open to offering flexible presentation options.
Contributions are invited from early-stage researchers and PhD students working on synthetic organic chemistry methodology in heterocyclic synthesis and natural product synthesis towards chemistries that could be applied in novel innovations for crop protection. The objective for the competition is to identify posters which best explain the outcomes of the research, and also in the context of the potential for commercialisation. There will be voucher prizes of £100 for 1st place and £50 for 2nd place.
An abstract of maximum 250 words (250 words does not include author names, affiliations, references or figure captions) indicating title, authors and institution should be sent to conferences@soci.org by Friday 28 March 2025 with the subject line “Innovations in Crop Protection - poster submission”. An abstract template can be downloaded here.
SCI accessibility grants are available to support SCI members with disabilities, long term health conditions, those who require a carer, and members who are nursing parents to attend SCI events. Download an application form to apply for a grant.
14/15 Belgrave Square
Conference Team
Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561
Email: conferences@soci.org
Early bird - ends Wednesday 2 April SCI/RSC* Member - £55 Non-member - £110 SCI/RSC** Student member - £38 |
After early bird SCI/RSC* Member - £105 Non-member - £160 SCI/RSC** Student member - £68 |
*RSC members should enter the Event discount code EJRFCHEM697 and select “Guest Member” under the section Member type. Delegates will be contacted for their RSC membership number after successful registration.
**RSC student members should enter the Event discount code EJRFCHEM697S and select “Guest Member” under the section Member type. Delegates will be contacted for their RSC membership number after successful registration.
All registrations will automatically receive a confirmation within 24 hours of registering for the event. Should you not receive written confirmation of your booking, please email conferences@soci.org.Sign up as an Event Member to join this event. SCI Full or Student Members receive discounts on event registrations