14 October - 15 October 2013
Organised by:
SCI's Fire and Materials Group in partnership with the EU Cost MP1105 FLARETEX
Holiday Inn, Bolton
This event is no longer available for registration.
The Autumn Meeting of SCI's Fire and Materials Group (FMG) will be held on 14 and 15 October 2013, in conjunction with the EU COST MP1105 FLARETEX Standardisation Meeting on the above topic. Fire Safety Standards provide state of the art specifications for products, services and good practice, helping to make industry more efficient and effective. ISO Standards (International Organisation for Standardisation) were developed through global consensus in order to help break down barriers to international trade. However, not all legislation which governs the fire safety regulations within a country are covered by ISO; most countries have additional regulations which are relevant to their own particular requirements where an ISO standard is not available. Experts will provide an up-to-date overview of current legislation with respect to use and testing of flame retardant textiles/textile composites in Europe, Turkey and the USA. Areas of application include furnishings and transport (automotive, rail and shipping) and toxicity standards are discussed as well. The views of the industry will also be included.
Numbers are limited and early booking is advisable.
The meeting is kindly hosted by the University of Bolton.
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Holiday Inn, Bolton
Holiday Inn, BoltonSCI Comms Team
Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1594
Email: communications@soci.org
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