17 February 2021

Sanitising the world: a year on, what have we learned and what challenges remain?

Organised by:

SCI's Formulation Forum 

Online Webinar: 12:00 - 14:00 GMT

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


Formulations to sanitise surfaces have reached the forefront of our daily lives in the effort to prevent the SARS-CoV-2 virus from spreading, protecting our loved-ones and the vulnerable. Production and sales of hand sanitisers and surface disinfectants soared in response to the pandemic with many new producers entering the market.

During this event, we will explore the science behind the sanitisation of skin and their surfaces, how can these deliver efficacy whilst remaining affordable, legally compliant safe and profitable for the manufacturers.

A year on from the onset of the pandemic, what lessons have been learned and what scientific challenges remain? Given that sanitisers are now a cultural norm, can science deliver innovation in their formulation?


This event is for industrial and academic participants interested in the scientific challenges behind creating effective sanitisation products  given the, sometimes competing, requirements of efficacy, affordability, formulation stability, safety and supply.

Jean-Marie Cols

Jean-Marie Cols

Bioquell UK Ltd

As the Principal Chemist at Bioquell, an Ecolab solution, I have worked on researching and improving indicators used to validate Bioquell’s hydrogen peroxide vapour biodecontamination process. Bioquell manufactures and sells biodecontamination equipment, hydrogen peroxide bottles and indicators. Bioquell’s biodecontamination and infection control applications range from small enclosures (isolators, pass-throughs, etc.) all the way up to hospital wards and pharmaceutical manufacturing sites. How do we provide infection control for so many different applications? How do we decontaminate all surfaces in an enclosure or room in one go? Join to find out more about the technology and how it works.

David Ashworth

Klarus Consulting Ltd

David Ashworth is a Director of Klarus Consulting Limited, which advises the biocides community on building and delivering safe and effective claims. David is also Chairman of BluTest Limited, a contract microbiology testing and development company.
David is a member of the BACS (British Association for Chemical Specialities) secretariat, leads the BACS Biocides Group, is active on Standards committees both at local (BSI) and international (CEN) levels and works with European Trade Associations. He has worked closely with regulators in the EU, The European Commission and ECHA.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, Chartered Biologist and holds an MBA from Loughborough University.

Wilson Poon

Prof Wilson Poon

University of Edinburgh

Wilson Poon was one of the founders of soft matter physics research in Edinburgh, where he has been since 1990. His main interests are complex fluid rheology - from well-characterised model systems to real-life materials (such as caramel), and ‘active colloids’ - suspensions in which the particles are self-propelling ‘micro-swimmers’, which include suspensions of swimming bacteria.


12.00  Welcome and introduction

12.10 Viral infection Control on Surfaces, an Industry & Application perspective
          Dr Jean-Marie Cols, Bioquell UK Ltd

12.40 Disinfectants – Front line tools for use in the control of virus driven pandemics
David Ashworth, Klarus Consulting Ltd

13.10 The soft matter science of sanitising
          Professor Wilson Poon, University of Edinburgh

13.40 Panel Q&A

14.00 Webinar end

Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions


Please email conferences@soci.org for further information and prices.

Organising committee

Tiffany Wood, University of Edinburgh
Carl Roeschlaub, Alcohols Limited
Jim Bullock, iFormulate Ltd

Conference team
Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561
Email: conferences@soci.org