30 January 2018

From Star Trek to Medical Imaging - the Physics of MRI

Organised by:

UCL, London, UK

Registration Closed

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MRI is a highly versatile non-invasive medical imaging technique. It is commonly thought of as a method of detecting anatomical abnormalities in radiological diagnosis. However it is also a fantastic technique for studying dynamic changes in physiology and metabolism in both health and disease. This makes it very useful for experimental medicine studies, aiming to better understand and characterize disease and to investigate the mechanisms of different treatments. This talk will explain briefly how MRI works and explain how it can be used across of range of conditions from neurology to obstetrics.
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Venue and Contact


Department of Chemistry
University College London
20 Gordon Street
London, WC1H 0AJ


SCI Communications Team

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7598 1594

Email: communications@soci.org


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Additional Info


Prof. Penny Gowland, Nottingham University