19 July 2021

Next Generation Technologies (Energising the UK battery supply chain - part 4)

Organised by:

SCI’s Materials for Mobility Group

Online Webinar - 10.00 - 11.30 BST

Registration closed

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Next Generation Technologies 

As the automotive industry shifts its focus towards hybrid and electric powered vehicles to achieve net zero, next generation battery technologies are becoming increasingly important. If the UK can integrate more sustainable battery technology into the supply chain – it can reach the anticipated demand for these vehicles by 2030.

Current lithium-ion batteries have played a big role in the uptake of hybrid and electric vehicles, however as the requirements for batteries evolve, they present their limitations. There is now a need for new technologies to drive a more sustainable automotive industry forward.

For this workshop, SCI and the Chemistry Council Innovation Committee (CCIC) have organised a program of speakers from both industry and academia to cover the latest developments in technologies within the automotive industry. These talks will be followed by breakout discussions between participants, enabling them to meet others working on these technologies, and discuss what is needed to progress these next generation technologies further in the UK.

Energising the UK battery supply chain series – Introduction

A major focus of SCI’s work with the Chemistry Council recognises that the government, in its Road to Net Zero, is banning the sale of all internal combustion engines by 2030. We must therefore act rapidly to scale-up an integrated UK battery supply chain, to adequately support the bourgeoning electric car industry.

As part of our programme to deliver this, SCI is bringing together chemists, suppliers, manufacturers and innovators at every point within the supply chain, and in doing so building the community that will address the challenges of scaling-up of electric vehicle production within the UK.  
From workshops 1, 2 and 3 we have built a team of around 50 organisations from industry and government who have come together to explore and identify the needs of the community, and discuss how they can work together on this challenge. Common themes identified in these workshops include:

Scale-up at speed
Developing standards for materials testing
Skills and knowledge
Battery recycling

This workshop is primarily designed to engage those actively working in or with the battery production industry, or policymakers whose decisions may affect it. Spaces are limited – therefore, if you are new to the ‘Energising the UK battery supply chain series’, and wish to attend this workshop, please send a 50–100-word description of your work to shreya.mashru@soci.org, outlining how you fit into one of the above stakeholder categories.

Bahareh Yazdani


Bahareh Yazdani is a Material engineer with extensive skills in Li-ion cell manufacturing, solid-state batteries, nanomaterial, and multifunctional composites. She has started the career journey in 2005, working as a research assistant on Li-ion batteries cathode material and supercapacitors with 18 published papers. After winning a fully funded scholarship, she completed her PhD from the University of Exeter in 2015 within three years and seven peer-reviewed published papers. She continued her career as Research Fellow at the University of Exeter then as deputy project lead in a Solid state-based company with a proven track record of success at both academic and companies within all phases of development. Her combined background in material innovation, battery technology makes a strong relevance to her role in UKBIC as a technical Lead to bring new technologies into scale-up for the future generation of high energy density batteries.

Prof David Greenwood

University of Warwick

David Greenwood is Director for Industrial Engagement, and CEO of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult at WMG. Previously, David established and led the Energy Directorate at WMG where he led a team of over 200 researchers and engineers. Projects spanned a number of fields, including cars, trucks, boats, off highway machinery, aircraft and motorcycles. His research spans batteries, electric motors, power electronics, and the integration and control of these for propulsion and energy applications.
David moved into academia after 20 years in industry latterly as Head of Hybrid and Electric Systems for engineering consultancy Ricardo UK Ltd.

Dr Jerry Barker


Dr Jerry Barker is founder and Chief Scientist of Faradion Limited – a UK-based start-up company developing high energy density Na-ion batteries. Previously Jerry was Chief Scientist at Valence Technology Inc. He has published over 75 technical papers (h-index = 57, total citations > 10,000) and is the named inventor on more than 120 issued and 50 pending US battery patents. He is the inventor of several commercial Na-ion and Li-ion active materials as well as the carbothermal reduction manufacturing method. In 2012, Jerry was awarded the IBA Technology Award in recognition of his contributions to Li-ion battery materials. He is a member of the Expert Panel for the UK’s Faraday Institution.


Monday 19 July

Welcome and introduction
David Bott, SCI
Title tbc
Tony Harper, Faraday at UK Research and Innovation
A Short Introduction to (non-aqueous) Na-ion Batteries
Dr Jerry Barker, Faradion
Technology review and equipment study for next-generation Li-ion batteries
Dr Bahareh Yazdani, UKBIC
Breakout discussions
Closing remarks
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