21 September 2023

Why SCI? Overview of SCI Purpose and Strategy

Organised by:


Webinar 16:00 - 16:40

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


SCI is a purpose led organisation, with a significant charitable purpose – to accelerate science out of the laboratory and into industry, for the benefit of society.

In this webinar Sharon Todd, Chief Executive of SCI, will outline the charity’s purpose and the organisation’s strategy. She will explore the societal challenges that SCI and its community are tackling, and how SCI members collaborate together for the benefit of society.


The event is open to all those who engage or have engaged with SCI. It will be of interest to existing members, and those interested in becoming members.

Sharon Todd
Chief Executive Officer, SCI

Sharon Todd Read Sharon's biography


Thursday 21 September

Opening and welcome
Sharon Todd, CEO, SCI
SCI purpose and strategy
Tackling societal challenges
Webinar close

Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions


Email: execpa@soci.org