19 March 2019

In Vino Veritas (et Moleculis)

Organized by:

SCI's London Group and the UCL Chemical Physical Society

UCL, London

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


This event is sponsored by SCI London Group and organised jointly with the UCL Chemical Physical Society.

Some might say wine is a solution to problems, but in truth it is simply just a solution. Many of the flavours and textures in the glass come from what chemists know and love: molecules!
This talk will take you through the molecules responsible for the acidity, sweetness and flavour of wine, including aromas that are typical of specific grape varieties, the production process itself and wine faults.

There will be an opportunity to sniff some of the molecules in question, so come with a clear mind and nostrils!

Time: 17:45 for 18:15


Dr Stephen Potts


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Venue and Contact


Department of Chemistry
University College London
20 Gordon Street
London, WC1H 0AJ

SCI Communications Team

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7598 1594

Email: communications@soci.org

This is a FREE event. No need to book. Please check this page for any updates or changes before attending the event.

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Exhibition and Sponsorship

An exhibition will take place alongside the conference for companies and related organisations who may wish to exhibit. Please email conferences@soci.org for further information and prices. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

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