19 May - 20 May 2014
Organised by:
SCI's Fine Chemicals Group and RSC's Biological & Medicinal Chemistry Sector
Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge, UK
This event is no longer available for registration.
Now with over twenty FDA-approved small molecules, the field of kinase inhibition has matured. The sixth RSC/SCI symposium on kinases will encompass case studies of on-going programmes as well as successful past kinase programmes, with examples from the CNS, inflammation/respiratory and oncology fields being presented. The question of emerging resistance to kinase inhibitors will be raised along with techniques being developed to address this. The symposium will also include views, perspectives and discussions on the future of kinase inhibitor research.
This event is aimed at all scientists interested in furthering their knowledge of kinases. It will also have wider appeal to members of the drug discovery community eager to understand how enzyme inhibitor programmes are approached and executed across the pharmaceutical industry.
SCI accessibility grants are available to support SCI members with disabilities, long term health conditions, those who require a carer, and members who are nursing parents to attend SCI events. Download an application form to apply for a grant.
Earlybird fees - before 31 March 2014
GB£240 . . . . . . . . .SCI / RSC Member
GB£290 . . . . . . . . .Non Member
Standard fees - from 1 April 2014
GB£280 . . . . . . . . .SCI / RSC Member
GB£330 . . . . . . . . .Non Member
GB£125 . . . . . . . . .SCI / RSC Student Member - flat rate
GB£150 . . . . . . . . .Student Non Member - flat rate
Sign up as an Event Member to join this event. SCI Full or Student Members receive discounts on event registrations
SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.
Jackie Macritchie, BioFocus and RSC
Roger Griffin, Newcastle University
John Harris, CJH Consultants
Keith Jones, Institute of Cancer Research and SCI
Sarah Rook, Evotec and SCI
Andrew Thomas, AstraZeneca
Kevin Doyle, BioFocus
A poster session will take place at the end of Day 1. A one-page abstract should be submitted to the Secretariat by 31st March 2014. When submitting posters, delegates should indicate whether they would be prepared to give a single-slide summary of their poster in a formal presentation session that will take place on Day 1.
The exhibition is now full, although interested companies may wish to book a delegate pack insert via the Secretariat. Sponsors are encouraged to support this established event.
Some student bursaries are available from the RSC and SCI, up to a maximum value of £250.
The closing date for all bursary applications is Monday 31 March, and those submitting abstracts will be considered more favourably.