8 May 2024

Brand new steam for the 21st century

Organised by:

SCI's London Group & The Welding Institute (London Branch)

Lancaster Hall Hotel, London, UK

Registration Closed

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The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust is building from scratch a recreation of Sir Nigel Gresley's P2 design. The construction will be illustrated using original engineering drawings and it will be explained how certain weaknesses in the original are being removed using modern computer design and modelling.


Graham Nicholas (A1 Steam Locomotive Trust)


Graham Nicholas is a chartered mechanical engineer and a career railway man, with specialism in certification and approval of rail vehicles and experience of rail vehicle manufacture and maintenance in the UK, Europe, North America and China. He has been involved with the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust for approx. 25 years, offering his professional services in a mainly voluntary capacity to support the aims and aspirations of the Trust. With this background, he has become an expert in engineering standards for heritage vehicles running on the national UK rail network.


Wednesday 8 May

Registration and refreshments
Technical presentation followed by buffet

Venue and Contact

Lancaster Hall Hotel

35 Craven Terrace
W2 3EL

Email: committeesupport@soci.org


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