15 October 2024

Emerging technologies in food processing

Organised by:

SCI's London Group

University College London

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The lecture will start with a brief history of Campden BRI and its role in food processing, and suggesting why people should care about food processing. The current challenges to the food industry will be identified and conventional food preservation techniques described. Emerging food technologies, including high pressure processing, pulsed electric field (PEF) processing, and cold plasma, will be discussed along with the emerging alternative sources of protein, with a focus on cultivated meat.

Arrival from 6pm, lecture starts 6.15pm


Dr Craig Leadley, Technology Fellow at Campden BRI

Craig is a Fellow at Campden BRI where he provides consultancy and training to the food industry and has a major focus on start-up support and on developing industry/academic collaborative research.

Throughout his career his technical passion has been new technologies, particularly those associated with food preservation. He has studied, and published on, a wide range of these technologies for the food industry.

Most recently, Craig has been involved in two research projects exploring the cultivation of meat from animal cells. One being a desk-based assessment of the feasibility of culturing meat for missions to Mars.

He is a Fellow of the Institute of Food Science & Technology, is a former member of its board of trustees and past chair of its food processing special interest group.

From more than 30 years in the food and drink industry, the majority of which spent supporting clients and conducting research here at Campden BRI, Craig has a vast range of knowledge and experience, as well as extensive industrial and academic connectivity.

Over his career he has built our multi-partner collaborations, developed grant applications, overseen our research programme, and been involved in food preservation and manufacturing (with a particular focus on thermal processing and emerging technologies, about which he has published a number of books and journals).

Craig supports companies with accessing grants, and is currently focused on start-up and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through grant funding.

Thermal processing, emerging preservation technologies (PhD in high pressure processing), fish processing, cultivated meat, new food processing technologies, shelf-life extension, sustainability, equitable food systems, accessing grant funding, and processed foods and their role in consumer health.

Craig is a Fellow of the Institute of Food Science and Technology (their highest level of recognition awarded), and is on various editorial boards, as well as undertaking management board and scientific advisory board roles within the innovation and research ‘hubs’ of the UKRI ‘hubs’ initiative.

Venue and Contact

University College London

Chemistry Department
Sir Christopher Ingold Building
20 Gordon Street
London WC1H 0JA

Julian Perfect

Email: julianperfect@hotmail.com


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