29 August 2024

Advances in polymers and materials for additive manufacturing II

Organised by:

SCI’s Materials, All-Ireland and the Early Career Researchers groups

University College Dublin, Ireland

Register for this event

Prices start from £35.00

Early bird offer ends 15 July 2024

IMPC 2024: Advanced Materials for Additive Manufacturing II: AM and Sustainability
This will be the 8th polymers event hosted by SCI’s All-Ireland and Materials groups. This year’s conference will be an in-person event held at University College Dublin exploring the field of polymers and materials and their uses in additive manufacturing.
This event will focus on sustainable developments in the field with a focus on the following areas;

Development of natural and biobased materials from 3D printing
Efficient manufacturing of materials from 3D printing
Efficient lightweight materials from 3D printing
Additive manufacturing processing of materials for energy storage
Analysis and characterisation of printed materials

Join us to take part in discussions and talks on additive manufacturing and network with both academic and industrial researchers working in the field.
This event is aimed at researchers in the field of polymers and materials for additive manufacturing (3D printing). It will bring together researchers from both academia and industry to discuss new developments and build networks in the field.

Thursday 29 August 2024

Welcome and introduction
Session 1
Keynote - 3D printing of engineering polymers and composites
Denis Dowling, i-FORM
Development of 2D nanomaterial inks for printed energy storage devices
Valeria Nicolosi, AMBER
Recent resin developments for control of microstructure in additive manufacturing
Derik Irvine, Nottingham University
Lunch and poster session
Session 2
Application of high temperature water soluble resin for 3D printed moulds for ultrafast injection moulding of product components
Ramesh Raghavendra and Carlos Garcia Pando, SEAM
MAPS technology: Transforming metal additive manufacturing practices
Asli Coban, TCD
Henkel, sustainability and additive manufacturing
Darragh Fitzpatrick, Henkel
Refreshment break
Session 3
The role of AM in improving sustainability of manufacture
Micheal Morris, AMBER
Developing biopolymer-based composite inks for cost-effective and versatile 3D printing to create functional materials
David Xie, Bath University
An introduction to SCI
Closing remarks and poster prize giving
Networking and poster session

Accessibility Grants

SCI accessibility grants are available to support SCI members with disabilities, long term health conditions, those who require a carer, and members who are nursing parents to attend SCI events. Download an application form to apply for a grant.

Sponsorship information

For further information and prices, please email conferences@soci.org.

Call for oral and poster presentations

Contributions are invited from both academic and industrial researchers working in the field of polymers and materials for additive manufacturing to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation. An abstract of maximum 250 words indicating title, authors, institution and preference for presentation option (oral presentation or poster) should be sent to conferences@soci.org by Friday 28 June 2024 with the subject line “SCI Advances in Polymers and Materials for Additive Manufacturing - abstract submission”. Presentation slots are inevitably limited and will be allocated to achieve a balanced programme – researchers will be invited to contribute a poster if submission is not chosen for oral presentation. Prizes will be awarded for the best presentation and poster. An abstract template can be found here.

Venue and Contact

University College Dublin

UCD Sutherland School of Law 
Dublin 4


Conference Team

Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org

Before early bird- ends Monday 15 July
SCI Member - £35
Non-member - £60
Student member - £25
After early bird
SCI Member - £70
Non-member - £120
Student member - £35

Auto generated receipts are now available to download to event delegates . A guide can be downloaded here.

All registrations will automatically receive a confirmation within 24 hours of registering for the event. Should you not receive written confirmation of your booking, please email conferences@soci.org.

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Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions

David Birkett, SCI
Mark Isaacs, UCL 
James Wickson, Croda Europe