The ECR Materials annual conference returns this year, continuing our committee theme of AI and ML for materials synthesis and analysis. Join us to take part in discussions, talks and networking opportunities between researchers and business in and associated with the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning for materials discovery, design and development.
There will be a particular focus on providing early career researchers with a platform on which to showcase their research, and we will be joined by prominent and well-established scientists to provide an overview of the scientific field at large. We are looking for abstracts in the following areas:
AI/ML for materials discovery
AI/ML for materials development and optimisation
AI/ML for materials analysis and characterisation
This event is aimed at researchers in materials chemistry and specifically in the fields and sub-fields of battery materials in its various forms.
It will look to bring researchers from all career stages together but maintaining an opportunity for ECRs to showcase work and develop contacts and network. It is also aimed at industry partners looking for new avenues of research into battery applications.
Friday 18 July 2025
- 09.30
- Registration and refreshments
- 10.00
- Keynote 1: AI/ML for Materials discovery – finding new materials
- 11.00
- ECR talk 1 (Open call) (Materials discovery)
- 11.20
- Refreshment break
- 11.40
- Efficient data collection for efficient decision making in process development
Linden Schrecker, SOLVE Chemistry
- 12.10
- ECR talk 2 (Open call) (Materials discovery/Materials property/Function assaying)
- 12.30
- Industry approaches to Materials analysis
Sam Cooper, Polaron
- 13.00
- Lunch
- 14.00
- AM-SegNet - in situ X-ray image segmentation and feature quantification for advanced manufacturing
Dr Chu Lun Alex Leung, UCL
- 14.20
- IP Considerations for AI/ML in Chemistry
Monica Patel, Keltie LLP
- 14.40
- Industry approaches to Materials characterisation
- 15.10
- Refreshment break
- 15.30
- Keynote 2: From Conceptualisation to characterisation
Dr. Keith Butler, UCL
- 17.00
- Networking reception and posters
Call for oral and poster abstracts
Contributions are invited from early-stage researchers and PhD students working in the materials science field, focused on AI/ML for materials design, discovery, or analysis, to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation.
AI/ML for materials discovery
AI/ML for materials development and optimisation
AI/ML for materials analysis and characterisation
The poster session will be held in the garden room at Belgrave square during the lunch break and after the talks.
An abstract of maximum 250 words indicating title, authors, institution and preference for presentation option (oral presentation or virtual poster) should be sent to by
Wednesday 30 April 2025 with the subject line “SCI AI/ML Mat - abstract submission”. Presentation slots are inevitably limited and will be allocated to achieve a balanced programme – researchers will be invited to contribute a poster if their submission is not chosen for oral presentation. Prizes will be awarded for the best presentation and poster. An
abstract template can be downloaded.
Sponsorship information
Please see the sponsorship pack and email to let us know which package you are interested in.
Accessibility Grants
SCI accessibility grants are available to support SCI members with disabilities, long term health conditions, those who require a carer, and members who are nursing parents to attend SCI events. Download an application form to apply for a grant.
Venue and Contact
Booking Process/Deadlines
Booking terms and conditions
CPD Info
SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.

Organising committee
Shereen Aboarkaba, Synthomer
Hatem Amli, MSS Products
Mark Isaacs, University College London / HarwellXPS
Leanne Jones, University of Oxford
Ben Moss, Imperial College London
Chris Parlett, University of Manchester / Diamond Light Source
Angus Pederson, Imperial College London
Cameron Price, University of Manchester
Jack Swallow, University of Oxford
James Wickson, Croda