9 June 2021

Plastics, From Cradle to Grave – and Resurrection II

Organised by:

SCI's Environment, Health, Safety and Food groups and RSC’s Environmental Chemistry, Toxicology and Food Chemistry groups

Online Webinar 10.00 - 15.30 BST

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Following on from the successful conference held last year, a follow up conference has been organised to expand on the key themes, looking at where we have come from, where we have got to and where we want to go.

This conference brings together academic and industrial speakers with the aim of focussing on assessing challenges and opportunities for researchers, industry and government. There will be a thematic link between the current use of plastics, toxicology and standardisation, the complex issues with respect fit for purpose sampling and analysis, and the future of plastic usage.

Stuart headshot

Stuart Foster


Stuart is Chief Executive Officer at RECOUP, a membership based charity who have been leading, delivering and informing sustainable plastic resource use and recycling in the UK since 1990. During this time he has worked on a range of strategy, research and demonstration projects to co-ordinate and develop the plastic value chain. This includes eco-design, collections, consumer engagement, reprocessing, market development and policy. He has a number of associated roles including director of EPRO, (the European Association of Plastic Recycling and Recovery Organisations), Chair of WACT (The UK Waste Compliance Taskforce) and is a CIWM and RSA Fellow.

Peter Marsden

Peter Marsden

Peter has an honours degree in Chemistry and a DPhil in synthetic organic Chemistry from the University of Oxford. He remains a member of the WHO drinking-water guideline committee having recently retired from the Drinking Water Inspectorate, after nearly 30 years’ service. His work included numerous prosecutions, management of the government’s research programme on Drinking Water Quality and Health, an approval scheme for products in contact with drinking water and assessment water companies’ compliance. Previously he worked for the Ministry of Agriculture’s Pesticide Safety Directorate, and for Severn Trent Water Authority.

Pablo Campo Moreno

Pablo Campo Moreno

Cranfield University

Dr Pablo Campo Moreno is Lecturer of Applied Chemistry at Cranfield University. With emphasis in aquatic chemistry, processes involving engineered as well as natural systems have captured his attention as a researcher. Dr Campo Moreno studies the fate and transport of pollutants during water and wastewater treatments as well as bioremediation processes with special attention paid to the solid-solution. Concurrent with these topics is his interest in implementing analytical methods to detect target contaminants along with their transformation products. Since 2011, he has been funded by DEFRA, UK NERC, UKWIR, EU Horizon 2020, US EPA and US WRF.

Anne Woolridge

Anne Woolridge

Independent Safety Services Ltd (ISSL)

Dr Anne Woolridge is Chief Operating Officer of ISSL, a technical consultancy and has a wealth of research and practical experience of healthcare waste management and waste treatment processes at all levels. She is the Chair of the International Solid Waste Association Healthcare Waste Working Group and a Member of the UK National Committee. She is also the Vice Chair of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management Healthcare Wastes Special Interest Group.
She has an MSc in Environmental Management with a focus on healthcare wastes and a PhD in developing sustainable management for healthcare waste, she also holds the NEBOSH Diploma in Occupation Health and Safety. She is a Chartered Waste Manager, a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management and recognised by ISWA as an International Waste Manager.

Colin Moffat

Colin Moffat

Robert Gordon University

Initially studying chemistry, Colin completed a PhD in heparin biochemistry, including links to tumour angiogenesis, before joining Torry Research Station where he investigated the structure of fish lipids and their nutritional benefits. He subsequently investigated organic contaminants in the marine and terrestrial environments, pathological samples, food-producing animals and food products with a specific interest in their biological effects on marine biota.

Colin has specialised in the methodology associated with determining the state of marine ecosystems. He lead on the production of assessments of the North-East Atlantic, including the Intermediate Assessment 2017 which utilised new indicators and targets (including for marine litter), providing an assessment of progress towards achieving a clean, healthy and biologically diverse North-East Atlantic.
Colin continues to study contamination of marine systems, including by plastics and other marine litter. He is a member of the Pool of Experts for the United Nations World Ocean Assessment 2 and recently retired from the post of Chief Scientific Advisor Marine to the Scottish Government.

David Newman

David Newman


From 2012 to 2016 David was President of the International Solid Waste Association. During this time (2012-13) he was personal advisor to the Italian Minister of Environment, Andrea Orlando. David founded and leads the Bio Based and Biodegradable Industries Association UK since 2015 as well as the European Circular Bioeconomy Policy Initiative; both work in the UK and EU to promote the bioeconomy. He is President of the World Biogas Association since November 2016. He is a member of the Resources and Waste Stakeholder Advisory Group at DEFRA and a chartered member of the CIWM.
His e-book “Everything is Connected, understanding a complicated world“ was published in September 2020.

Judy Proctor

Judy Proctor

the Environment Agency

Judy Proctor works for the Environment Agency; an organisation that works to protect and improve the environment to make it a better place for people and wildlife in England. This includes reducing the impacts of flooding, promoting sustainable development and delivering environmental regulation.
She currently leads the national strategy setting the strategic direction for the organisation’s work on plastics: reducing plastics in the environment, preserving the value of plastics in the circular economy and highlighting emerging issues. She has over twenty year’s operational and national experience in delivering environmental improvements. Many of these outcomes are delivered in partnership with partners, businesses, customers and government.

Prof K, Clive Thompson, Chief Scientist, ALS Global UK – Morning chair

Plastics, packaging and politics update 2021  

Stuart Foster, Chief Executive Officer, Recoup 


Implications of the WHO Microplastics in drinking water 2019 report 
Peter Marsden, Principal Inspector Drinking Water Inspectorate, UK (Recently retired)


Microplastic removal in drinking water processes: coagulation flocculation 
Dr Pablo Campo-Moreno, Cranfield University, Lecturer of applied chemistry


15 min Discussion session 
Chaired by K. Clive Thompon

Coffee break

The potential impact of microplastic pollution on the environment and human health 
Dr Natalie Welden, University of Glasgow


Microplastics in Scottish Waters – what has been done and what needs to be done? 
Prof Colin Moffat, Marine Scotland Chief Scientific Advisor, Scottish Government


Benefits and risks of plastics in healthcare (will include associated pollutants in plastics) 
Dr Anne Woolridge, Independent Safety Services Ltd (ISSL)


15 min Discussion session 
Chaired by John MacLachlan

Lunch break
Dr John MacLachlan, RSC Toxicology Group - Afternoon chair

Plastic-free London Project: - Campaign Issues 
Mike Simmonds


Compostable packaging and food waste management 
David Newman, Managing Director, Bio-based and Biodegradable Industries Association (BBIA)


Reducing Plastics in the Environment  
Judy Proctor, Environmental Agency


Final 20 min Discussion session 
Chaired by Judy Proctor

Close meeting


Before early bird – Ends 9 May 2021

SCI/RSC/CIWM member* - £50

Non-member - £90

SCI/RSC student* - £15


After early bird

SCI/RSC/CIWM member* - £100

Non-member - £140

SCI/RSC student* - £15


 *RSC and CIWM members should email their name, membership type and number to conferences@soci.org in order to receive the relevant code to book for this event.


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Posters and Presentations

Posters from early careers researchers are welcomed and some will be invited to make a short presentation. Prizes will be awarded for the best poster and presentation. Please submit your poster to conferences@soci.org


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