The SCI IEX and Japanese ICIE conferences are the major ion exchange events worldwide. These unique meetings provide the opportunity for manufacturing and service companies, end users, and researchers to present papers and discuss applications and developments in the theory and practice of ion exchange and adsorbents.
Tackling climate change, reversing nature loss, and achieving 'net zero' require good decision-making and engagement with complex social, economic, and environmental challenges. A revolution in the design and application of ion-exchange materials is taking place as they emerge as vital tools to meet these challenges. IEX2024 will be the focus of this pioneering work.
The conference will cover new materials, their study by surface and structural techniques, and their application in fields as varied as bioprocessing and biomanufacturing, sequestration of carbon dioxide, catalysis, and green chemistry, and in many areas of pollution control and water treatment.
Attendees will enjoy the unique environment that Homerton college provides. The College is only a few minutes’ walk from the city centre and has extensive grounds. The focal point of the College, its Victorian Gothic hall. It is within a few miles of the M11 motorway and easy access to the Cambridge train station; yet just a short walk to the historical centre.
Venue and accommodation
The conference takes place at Homerton college in Cambridge. The college boasts an impressive Victorian facade and spacious landscaped gardens create a tranquil and welcoming environment.
En-suite accommodation can be booked by delegates attending the conference. Bedrooms will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Accommodation can be booked for up to 3 nights or as required:
Tuesday 9 July
Wednesday 10 July
Thursday 11 July
To book accommodation please use the link here: and use the code “kx65912”. Dinner for the nights of Tuesday 9 July and Wednesday 10 July can also be booked via this link. The Symposium dinner taking place on Thursday 11 July can be booked at the time of registration for the conference.
Call for papers
Oral and poster papers will be presented from Wednesday 10 - Friday 12 July 2024. Papers are invited on all aspects of ion exchange. Please click here for a complete list of topics.
Interested applicants should submit a maximum 2-page abstract byFriday 5 January 2024. with the subject line “IEX 2024 – poster submission” or “IEX 2024 – oral submission”. Instructions can be found here and an abstract template can be downloaded here.
Professor Arup K. SenGupta
Lehigh University
Professor Arup K. SenGupta is the P.C. Rossin Professor in the Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Chemical Engineering at Lehigh University. For well over three decades, his research has encompassed nearly every aspect of water science and technology: from drinking water treatment to desalination to municipal wastewater reuse to resource recovery. He is internationally recognized for advancing and expanding the field of ion exchange science and technology and applying it to the development of sustainable technologies and new materials, as well as the inventor of the first reusable, arsenic-selective hybrid anion exchanger nanomaterial (HAIX-Nano). He is the author of the book 'Ion Exchange in Environmental Processes’ published by Wiley & Sons and has received many national and international awards including 2004 International Ion Exchange Award at the University of Cambridge, England.
Wednesday 10 July 2024
- 07.30
- Registration
MARY ALLAN BUILDING (outside Auditorium)
- 08.30
- Welcome and introduction
Dr Rob Terrell, Chair of IEX 2024 Organising Committee
- 08.45
- Plenary lecture 1: Global sustainability through CO₂ capture and sequestration: emerging role of a novel ion exchange technology
Professor Arup K SenGupta, Lehigh University, USA
- 09.30
- Refreshment break and exhibition
- 10.00
- Keynote lecture: A novel direct air capture unit using solid ion exchange resins with a decoupled adsorption and desorption process
F M Chimani, A Wallmüller, A Bhandari, S Müller, J Fuchs, TU Wien, Austria
- 10.30
- Transforming environmental ion exchange applications from chemical-driven to electricity-driven for sustainable pollution control
H Dong, Georgia Tech Shenzhen Institute, Tianjin University, China
- 11.00
- Investigation of CO₂ adsorption kinetics of five ion exchange resins for direct air capture
A Wallmüller, F M Chimani, S Müller, J Fuchs, TU Wien, Austria
- 11.30
- Removing CO₂ from the atmosphere with direct air capture at Climeworks
H Traeger, Climeworks, Zurich, Switzerland
- 12.00
- Ion exchange treatment design considerations for the water loop in PEM hydrogen electrolysis plants
A Gotthardt, F Boodoo, Purolite - an Ecolab Company, and N Eibergen, Nalco - an Ecolab Company
- 12.30
- Lunch and exhibition
- 13.30
- Optimization of a continuous adsorption system for direct lithium extraction
P T Ferrero, O M Gluth, A Risner, Amalgamated Research LLC, USA
- 14.00
- Continuous counter-current ion exchange in lithium ion battery metals recycling
T Wesselborg, S Asumalahti, S Virolainen, T Sainio, LUT University, Finland
- 14.30
- Highly selective lithium-ion sieves adsorbent for direct lithium extraction
J Xu, M Szlachta, Geological Survey of Finland, Finland
- 15.00
- Assessment of predictive insights from bench-scale testing for continuous ion exchange in battery metal purification
J Christie, Marthie Kotze, CM Solutions, South Africa
- 15.30
- Refreshment break and exhibition
- 16.00
- Efficient removal of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances from potable- and wastewater with selective Lewatit® resins
B Dinges, Lanxess Deutschland GmbH, Germany
- 16.30
- PFAS removal from AFFF impacted water: a performance/cost model for ion exchange resin based on multiple full-scale remediation projects in Australia
A Farahani, J Wilson, SciDev, UK
- 17.00
- End of day 1
Thursday 11 July 2024
- 09.30
- Refreshment break and exhibition
- 10.00
- Keynote lecture: 3D printed ion exchange chromatography columns for bioseparations
S Dimartino, M Conti, University of Edinburgh, UK, and J Pullen, Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies, UK
- 10.30
- Ion exchange chromatography is a sustainable separation technique as an alternative to reversed phase chromatography for TIDES molecules
C Unoson, J Tawe, M Andersson Schönn, Bio-Works, Sweden
- 11:00
- Quality by design for mRNA platform purification based on continuous oligo-DT chromatography
Z Kis, J Qu, A Nair, G Muir, K A Loveday, E Nourafkan, E Welbourne, M Maamra, M J Dickman, University of Sheffield, UK
- 11:30
- Ion exchange ligands as a tool for development of a novel fiber adsorbent
I Scanlon, S Yang, B Ahmed, F Zhou, B Wallis, D Steel, M Hummersone, Astrea Bio-Separations, UK
- 12:00
- Lunch and exhibition
- 13:00
- MARY ALLAN AUDITORIUM / Inside Green Innovation – Patent Perspective
Ashley Wragg, Appleyard Lees
- 13.30
- Fabrication of electrospun ion exchangers with morphologies designed for the separation of proteins and plasmid DNA
G Ovari, D G Bracewell, University College London, F Foroutan, M Townsend, Cytiva,UK, and G Malmquist, Cytiva, Sweden
- 14:00
- Lentiviral vector determinants of anion exchange chromatography elution heterogeneity
G Pamenter, L Davies, C Knevelman, J Miskin, K Mitrophanous, Oxford Biomedica (UK) Ltd, and D Dikicioglu, D G Bracewell, University College London, UK
- 14.30
- Investigation of the adsorption behaviour of HIV1 Gag-based virus-like particles on strong anion exchange membranes
S Barbe, T Wolf, Technische Hochschule Köln, Germany
- 15:00
- Lactic acid and biosurfactants recovery from corn steep water byselective ion-exchange resins on column set-ups
X Vecino, A Martínez-Arcos, J M Cruz, A B Moldes, University of Vigo, Spain, and M Reig, J L Cortina, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- 15.30
- Refreshment break, Exhibition and Poster session
Refreshments will be served until 16.30
- 17.00
- End of day 2
- 18.30
- Dinner networking reception followed by SYMPOSIUM DINNER 19.15 (only for delegates registered for Symposium dinner)
Thursday 11 July 2024
- 09.30
- Refreshment break and exhibition
- 10.00
- Keynote lecture: Targeting polyphenols: assessing ion exchange sorbents for purifying olive leaf extracts
J L Cortina, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and A Mir-Cerdà, M Fisher, J Saurina, S Sentellas, O Núñez, M Granados, University of Barcelona, Spain
- 10.30
- Sustainable production of biofuel: experimental design and process simulation
D Kamel, University College London, UK, S Lima, Green Fuels Research, UK, and B Saha, Lancaster University, UK
- 11.00
- Synthesis of methyl isobutyl ketone from acetone over acidic ion exchange resin catalysts
R Soto Lopez, E Canadell, R Soto, E Ramírez, R Bringué, C Fité, M Iborra, J Tejero, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- 11.30
- Optimisation of sustainable epoxidation process using polybenzimidazole supported Mo(VI) complex as a catalyst via response surface methodology
M M R Bhuiyan, B Saha, Lancaster University, UK
- 12.00
- Lunch and exhibition
- 13:00
- MARY ALLAN AUDITORIUM / Inside Green Innovation – Patent Perspective
Ashley Wragg, Appleyard Lees
- 13.30
- Rare earth element separation as MGDA complexes with anion exchange resin
S Kurkinen, S Virolainen, T Sainio, LUT University, Finland
- 14.00
- Recovery of rare earth elements from acidic mine waters: a combined strategy of selective precipitation and ion exchange processes
A Roa, J López, J L Cortina, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- 14.30
- Recovery of rare earth elements from acid mine drainage using strong acid cation resin, and separation by green chemistry methods
E Hardwick, Cwenga Technologies, South Africa, and T Naidu, L van Dyk, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
- 15.00
- Column mode operation of N-methylglucamine sorbents for selective B, Co, Ga, and Ge recovery from seawater solar saltworks brines
V V Nebot, M F de Labastida, J L Rodríguez, J L Cortina Pallás, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- 15.30
- Refreshment break, Exhibition and Poster session
- 17.00
- End of day 2
- 18.30
- Dinner networking reception followed by SYMPOSIUM DINNER 19.15 (only for delegates registered for Symposium dinner)
Friday 12 July 2024
- 08.30
- Keynote lecture: Boron recovery from seawater desalination brines by selective ion exchange resins
M Figueira , J L Cortina, C Valderrama1, M Reig, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- 09.00
- Introducing a new linker to basic ion exchange resins to improve their temperature stability
T Bouveyron, J Vosberg, M Eisenacher, TH Köln-University of Applied Sciences, and P Vanhoorne, S Behnke Lanxess Deutschland GmbH, Germany
- 09.30
- Recovery of uranium from seawater by microcapsules enclosing extractants
M Nogami, M Yokota, S Matsumoto, Kindai University, and K Shirasaki, Tohoku University, Japan
- 10.00
- Refreshment break and exhibition
- 10.30
- Sustainable ion exchange resins for water treatment – new Lewatit® Scopeblue & Eco types
M Lichtenheldt, Lanxess Deutschland GmbH, Germany
- 11.00
- Strategies to improve produced water softening efficiency in heavy oil steam flooding operations
P Prakash , R Concienne, T Demayo, and K Towne, Chevron Corporation, USA
- 11.30
- NTPlus – low carbon nutrient recovery from high nitrate potable water and from wastewater treatment plant
M Waite, Agua DB Ltd, UK
- 12.00
- Meeting close
Friday 12 July 2024
- 08.30
- Keynote lecture: Autonomous operation of the DI-plant – artificial intelligence in the DI-production
D Mauer, MionTec GmbH, Germany
- 09.00
- Ceramic ion exchange membranes for harsh industrial wastewater treatment
O M Lenz, R Malone, U Rao, A Salunkhe, E Rivers, Membrion Inc, USA
- 09.30
- Cane sugar decolorisation and de-ashing using ion exchange resins and polymeric adsorbents
J Bester, D Chretien, DuPont Water Solutions, USA
- 10.00
- Refreshment break and exhibition
- 10.30
- Ion exchange in the nuclear industry
P Sylvester,T N Milner, EnergySolutions, USA
- 11.00
- Decolorisation and de-mineralisation of fruit juice as a substitute of sugar using Ion exchange resins and polymeric adsorbents
J Bester, D Chretien, DuPont Water Solutions, USA
- 11.30
- Case studies with MI-Vision – we did not expect that
D Mauer, MionTec GmbH, Germany
- 12.00
- Meeting close
Dr Rob Terrell, Chair of IEX 2024 Organising Committee
Wednesday 10 July - Friday 12 July 2024
- Graphene oxide based chelating ion exchanger for desalination
M Al-Azwani, E-S I El-Shafey, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
- Recovery of lithium from battery recycling effluents through ion-exchange techniques
A Salces, N Kelly, M Rudolph, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany, and A Chagnes, A Vanderbruggen, Université de Lorraine, France
- Anion exchangeable Cu-Al layered double hydroxide as catalyst precursors for liquid phase organic transformations
T Hara, F Yusniyanti, E Kurniawan, N Ichikuni, Chiba University, Japan, and Y Permana, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- Regenerative deep eutectic solvent-ion exchange system for heavy metal resource recovery
S Aberdeen, Seoul National University, Korea
- Electrodialysis with bipolar membranes for reagents recovery from dairy wastewater
R Rodríguez-Alegre, L Pérez Megías, C Andecochea Saiz, X You, Leitat Technological Center C/ de la Innovació, Barcelona, Spain
- Review of challenging embodied carbon in the design process of smart building construction UK
B Harshi, A Min, University of Salford, UK
- Assessment of effluent discharge from Chanchaga water treatment plant (WTP) in Minna, Nigeria
Y S Mohammad, I Iheanyr, IBB University, Lapai, Nigeria
- Sustainable production of styrene carbonate using heterogeneous catalysts
V Onyenkeadi, London South Bank University, UK, and B Saha, Lancaster University, UK
The programme is subject to minor time changes, so please check the website at regular intervals.
Accessibility Grants
SCI accessibility grants are available to support SCI members with disabilities, long term health conditions, those who require a carer, and members who are nursing parents to attend SCI events. Download an application form to apply for a grant.
Sponsorship and exhibition information
For further information and prices, please email
Venue and Contact
Early bird - ends Monday 29 April 2024
SCI Member - £295
Non-member - £370
Student Member - £185
After early bird
SCI Member - £345
Non-member - £420
Student Member - £235
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Sign up as an Event Member to join this event. SCI Full or Student Members receive discounts on event registrations
Booking Process/Deadlines
Booking terms and conditions
CPD Info
SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.

Organising committee
Carl Atkinson, EDF Energy
Daniel Bracewell, UCL
Rob Brown, University of Huddersfield
Noel Carr, DuPont Water Solutions
Harry Eccles, University of Central Lancashire
Klaus-Dieter Topp, DuPont Water Solutions
Nicki Edwards, Purolite
Gareth Jones, Ovivo UK Ltd
Andrew Mosley, RWE
Mark Ogden, University of Sheffield
Petra Raab, Lanxess Deutschland GmbH
Basu Saha, Lancaster University
Rob Terrell, Industrial Water Consultants Ltd
International committee
• Javier Tejero Salvador, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
• Spiro Alexandratos, Hunter College, CUNY, USA
• Jose Luis Cortina, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
• Fidel Cunill, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
• Masahiro Goto, Kyushu University, Japan
• Eric Guibal, Ecole des Mines d'Alès, Alès, France
• Takashi Hayashita Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
• Nalan Kabay, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
• Yu Komatsu, Consultant, Japan
• Kathryn Mumford, University of Melbourne, Australia
• Dmitri Muraviev, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain
• Shogo Shimazu, Chiba University, Japan
• Karin Soldenhoff, ANSTO, Australia
• Kathy Sole, Consultant, South Africa