6 October 2021

Nurturing an emergent, chemistry-based business – experience from the sharp end

Organised by:

SCI's Science and Enterprise Group

Online webinar: 13:30 – 15:00 (BST)

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


Three case studies illustrate the excitement and challenges faced in getting your new or emerging enterprise to the next stage of growth and over the hurdles in the first steps of scaling-up your business.

These talks chart the path three different businesses took to achieve their aims for growth in the middle of a pandemic. Learn how they got on and how they achieved their goals. Take the opportunity to ask questions or share your own experiences in the panel Q&A session.


This event is aimed at spin-out and start-up executives, university entrepreneurs, early career chemists, technology transfer officers, SMEs and investors in early stage chem/bio based enterprises.


Alexander Hewitt

Anaphite Ltd

Alexander Hewitt is COO and Co-founder at Anaphite Ltd and A Physicist Commercialising Graphene in Li-ion Batteries.

Jason E Camp

Dr Jason Camp

Circa Group Pty Ltd

Dr Jason E. Camp became CTO of Circa Group in January 2020. He received his BS degree in Biochemistry from the University of California, Davis, in 2000. Afterwards he studied Organic Chemistry at the Colorado State University and earned his PhD from Penn State University in 2007. Before joining Circa Group, he had several engagements as researcher and lecturer, and he is a committee member of SCI’s Fine Chemicals Group as well as secretary of the SCI’s Science and Enterprise Group.

Dr Tiffany Wood

Dyneval Ltd and Senior Knowledge Transfer Fellow, University of Edinburgh.

Dr Tiffany Wood is a physicist who began her research career manipulating liquid crystalline droplets with focussed beams called ‘optical tweezers’. After her PhD studies at the University of Manchester, Tiffany moved to the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol for a postdoctoral role studying dynamics within colloidal glasses. A delightfully warm and sunny spell at a conference in Edinburgh persuaded her to move to the University of Edinburgh to join the Soft Matter and Biological Physics research group where she discovered a new type of gel formed on creating defect lines within nematic liquid crystals, published in the journal Science.

In 2012, she set up the Edinburgh Complex Fluids Partnership with Professor Wilson Poon to help companies in the formulation sector benefit from the group’s research findings through contract and collaborative research. Quietly inspired by the entrepreneurs she met, Tiffany co-founded Dyneval Ltd in April 2020 to commercialise an innovative technology for precise measurement of semen quality using portable equipment, invented by her co-founder and colleague Dr Vincent Martinez. Liquid crystals, colloids, formulations and semen are all examples of complex fluids! These days Tiffany spends a considerable amount of time in cold barns assessing bull fertility with veterinarians and is enjoying the lessons of enterprise.


Wednesday 6 October

Welcome and introduction
From Physics to Fertility
Tiffany Wood, Co-founder & CEO of Dyneval Ltd
Delivering New Molecules from Biomass at Scale
Jason Camp, Chief Technology Officer at Circa Group Pty Ltd
My experience raising seed funds for a deep science startup
Alexander Hewitt, COO and Co-founder at Anaphite
Panel discussion
Johnathan Matlock, Co-founder of Science Angel Syndicate and Alan Steven, Senior Principal Scientist at CatSci Ltd
Close of session
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Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions

CPD Info

SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.

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Please email conferences@soci.org for further information and prices.

Organising committee

Craig Duckham, CD R&D Consultancy Services Ltd
Johnathan Matlock, Co-founder of Science Angel Syndicate
Alan Steven, Senior Principal Scientist at CatSci Ltd

Conference team
Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561
Email: conferences@soci.org