12 December 2019

SCI’s Environment medal presentation and lecture – Paul Nathanail: Reflections on Eastbourne 1979: Firm foundations for future land contamination risk management

Organised by:

SCI’s Environment, Health and Safety Group

London, UK

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SCI's Environment, Health and Safety Group are pleased to announce that Paul Nathanail will receive the SCI Environment Medal at an event held in his honour, on the evening of Thursday 12 December 2019. Paul will give a lecture titled – Reflections on Eastbourne 1979: Firm foundations for future land contamination risk management.

The lecture will mark the 40th Anniversary of the UK's first conference on contaminated land held in October 1979 (Reclamation of Contaminated Land – RECLAN). The conference was organised by SCI at the invitation of the then Department of the Environment on behalf of the Interdepartmental Committee on the Redevelopment of Contaminated Land (ICRCL).

Four decades have seen development and innovation in many disciplines: law, planning, toxicology, geology, chemistry, microbiology, engineering and 'informatics'. Thousands of former industrial sites have been investigated, risk assessed, reclaimed, remediated and redeveloped, many for housing our growing population. And yet, huge tracts of land affected by contamination remain. Seemingly there is still much work to be done.

Proceeding documents
Please click here to access the 1979 proceedings document and here for the 2004 - contaminated land scan document.
Paul Nathanail

Paul Nathanail

Land Quality Management Ltd

Paul Nathanail specialised in Earth Sciences at Cambridge and then studied Engineering Geology at Imperial College. In between he spent a formative year working for the Cyprus Geological Survey Department. Seven years at Wimpey Laboratories gave him an excellent grounding in contracting and how in-house consultants, innovation and creativity can contribute to profits. Wimpey supported him through a part time PhD in quantitative methods at Imperial. Four years at Nottingham Trent’s Centre for Research into the Built Environment (CRBE) were followed by 19 years running his own research group and directing a unique MSc at the University of Nottingham – alongside running Land Quality Management Ltd; the company he set up in 1997 with the late Colin Ferguson. Today, among other things, Paul splits his time between running LQM, serving on the Brownfield Land Forum, the SILC Professional and Technical Panel, the Geological Society Contaminated Land Specialist Group committee, BSI’s committee EH4 on Soil Quality and moderating the contaminated-land-management-strategies email forum. He has previously been awarded the Herbert Lapworth Medal (1987, Imperial College) and Glossop Medal (2009, Engineering Group, Geological Society) and was appointed a CRC CARE Fellow in 2017. He is delighted to have been invited to deliver this commemorative lecture and honoured to have been awarded the SCI Environment Medal.

Registration and refreshments
Welcome and introduction
Reflections on Eastbourne 1979: Firm foundations for future land contamination risk management
Paul Nathanail, Land Quality Management Ltd
Networking reception

Venue and Contact


14/15 Belgrave Square

Conference Team

Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org

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