8 September - 9 September 2022

IEX2022 - A Vision for the Future

Organised by:

SCI's Separation Science and Technology Group

Online Webinar

Registration Closed

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The SCI IEX Conference brings together an internationally recognised group of experts in the field of ion exchange and its associated uses, including water treatment, catalysis, chemical processing, hydrometallurgy and bioprocessing.

The Conference started in 1954 and has been held regularly at 4 year intervals since 1976. It is now established as one of the major international conferences of the ion exchange community, sharing its important role with the Japanese Association of Ion Exchange since 2004. Both events are assisted and supported by the independent International Committee for Ion Exchange.

This year, the IEX 2022 conference will be held online and will enable delegates to attend lectures, view posters, meet with authors and visit sponsors’ “rooms” where confidential discussions may be held.

Technical training courses will precede the conference for more information.

Plenary Speakers

Gabriele Iffland

Talk title: Ion exchange processes in the chemical industry – Current and future applications

Gabriele Iffland is a Chemical Engineer and she holds a position as research manager of the competence centre for adsorption and ion exchange at the department of process engineering of BASF SE. She has over 20 years of experience in the development, optimization and troubleshooting of ion exchange processes with several patents on this topic. The main working areas are the purification of basic chemicals and process streams, downstream processing of biotechnology applications, preparative ion exchange, purification of chemicals for electronic industry and waste water treatment applications.

Prof Marek Bryjak

Talk title: Selective extraction of ionic species by means of electrosorption processes

Professor Marek Bryjak is currently working at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST), Poland. He graduated, received a PhD and was awarded a DSc degree at WUST. He underwent a post-doctoral fellowship at the Centre for Surface Science, Lehigh University, USA and visited 16 universities around the world. He was heading the Department of Speciality Polymers that now turned into the Department of Polymer and Carbon Materials. For many years he was the President of the Polish Membrane Society and now he is a member of the Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Centre. Professor Bryjak authored about 130 scientific contributions that were cited more than 6150 times and his h-index is 41 (Google Scholar citations). He collaborated with various institutions in different countries and coordinated dozens of national and international projects. His scientific interest is focused on the development of methods for the preparation of polymer membranes including their surface modification, preparation and evaluation of new separation materials and their implementation to water treatment technology.


Wednesday 7 September

Conference Opening
Conference Opening, and Introduction to “Spatial Chat” Presentation Platform.
Rob Terrell (Chair of the IEX2022 Committee)
PLENARY LECTURE 1: Selective extraction of ionic species by means of electrosorption processes.
Professor Marek Bryjak (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Topic 1: Industrial and Power Plant Water Treatment
Keynote Lecture: A brief history of Dungeness B condensate polishing plants – the difference between experimental testing and the real world.
Ryan Morris, Carl M Atkinson, Greg Fife (EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd, UK)
Refreshment Break
Ion exchange resins quality features in thermal power plants.
Stefan Hilger, Hans-Jürgen Wedemeyer (Lanxess Deutschland GmbH)
The impact of hydrazine on the performance of condensate polishing plant ion-exchange resins (Amberlite HPR 1600H).
Carl M Atkinson, Ryan Morris, Zinnia Parker (EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd, UK)
The benefits of ion exchange pre-treatment to reverse osmosis in muncipal and industrial waste water re-use.
Peter van Hartingsveldt, Ioanna Gkoutzamani, Lisa Wyseure (Evides Industriewater, the Netherlands), Marc Slagt (DuPont Water Solutions, the Netherlands)
In Memoriam
Honouring recently-departed members of the Ion-Exchange Community and their contributions to the field.
Rob Terrell, Chair of the IEX2022 Committee
Topic 1: Industrial and Power Plant Water Treatment continued
Adsorptivity of Novel Bifunctional Chelating Adsorbent for Recovery of Uranium from Seawater.
M Nogami, M Daiju, N Maegawa, R Toritsuka (Kindai University, Japan)
Characterisation of nuclear fuel pond resin and the application of the data to plant optimisation and decommissioning strategies.
Mike Wharton (Wood plc, UK), Carl Atkinson (EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Ltd, UK)
Functionalized nanoporous ceramic ion exchange membranes towards low cost electrodialysis
Emily Rabe, Stephanie Candelaria, Rachel Malone, Greg Newbloom (Membrion Inc, USA)
Poster, Networking and Sponsor Session 1
The Spatial Chat platform will enable delegates to view posters and meet with authors, and to visit sponsors’ “rooms” where confidential discussions may be had.
Close for the Day

Thursday 8 September

Plenary Lecture 2
Ion exchange processes in the chemical industry: current and future applications.
Gabrielle Iffland (BASF SE, Germany)
Topic 2: Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
Keynote Lecture: Monosaccharide purification from crude hydrolysed sugar beet pulp by liquid-liquid centrifugal partition chromatography.
G J Lye, D Ward, M Cárdenas-Fernández, F Subrizi, T D Sheppard, H C Hailes (University College, London, UK), C Bennett, D J Leak (University of Bath, UK), P Hewitson, S Ignatova (Brunel University, UK)
Recovery of critical elements from seawater saltworks bitterns: evaluation of equilibrium, kinetic and selectivity factors of ion-exchange materials
V Vallès (UPC-Barcelona TECH, Spain), A Leskinen (Tech. Research Centre of Finland), R T Koivula, M Fdez. de Labastida, J López (UPC-Barcelona TECH, Spain), J L Cortina (UPC-Barcelona TECH and CETaqua, Spain)
Refreshment Break
Three dimensional imaging of chromatography beds and beads to resolve geometric characteristics as a platform for simulation.
Thomas F Johnson, Paul R Shearing, Daniel G Bracewell (University College, London, UK), John H Welsh, Peter R Levison (Pall Biotech, UK)
Awards Ceremony, to be followed by Poster, Networking and Sponsor Session 2
Awards to be presented on behalf of the UK Ion-Exchange Community for Outstanding Achievements and Contributions to the Field.
Rob Terrell, Chair of the IEX2022 Committee
Following the Ceremony, the Spatial Chat platform will enable delegates to view posters and meet with authors, and to visit sponsors’ “rooms” where confidential discussions may be had.
Topic 3: Metals and Environmental Applications
Keynote Lecture: The use of selective resins with small particle size for the preparation of battery chemicals.
Dirk Steinhilber, Petra Raab (Lanxess Deutschland GmbH)
Optimisation of Hydrometallurgical IX Processing by Reaction Transport Simulations.
J Nicolai, H Kalka, H Martin, JE Myers (Unmwelt-und Ingenieurtechnik GmbH Dresden)
Polyelectrolyte membranes composited with electrospun ion-exchange nanofibers.
Hidetoshi Matsumoto, Fumiyasu Seino, Minoru Ashizawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Yuriko Kakihana, Mitsuru Higa (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
Ion exchange purification of lithium ion battery waste leachate.
Sami Virolainen, Arttu Kaukinen, Tuomo Sainio (LUT University, Finland)
Refreshment break
Improved ion exchange selectivity and yield in recovery of rare earth elements from phosphogypsum.
Santeri Kurkinen, Sami Virolainen, Eveliina Repo, Tuomo Sainio (LUT University, Finland)
Arsenic and beyond: a closer look at what other contaminants hybrid ion exchangers can remove
Larry Gottlieb (ResinTech Inc, USA)
Polymer Surfactant Aggregate Process for Separation of Copper(II) from Iron(III)in Aqueous Streams.
Nick Hankins (University of Oxford)
Close for the day

Friday 9 September

Poster, Networking and Sponsor Session 3
The Spatial Chat platform will enable delegates to view posters and meet with authors, and to visit sponsors’ “rooms” where confidential discussions may be held.
Topic 4: Catalytic Applications
Keynote Lecture: Ion exchange resins for production of carotenoid building blocks.
Roman Goy, Werner Bonrath (DSM Nutritional Products, Switzerland)
Liquid-phase synthesis of sec-butyl levulinate by esterification of levulinic acid with 1-butene over cation-exchange resins.
F Cunill, J H Badia, E Ramírez, R Bringué, C Fité, M Iborra, J Tejero (University of Barcelona, Spain) (new presenter to be identified)
Refreshment Break
A novel heterogeneously catalyzed solvent-free process for the acylation of anisole with acetic anhydride.
Matthias Eisenacher (TH Köln University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Wolfgang F Hölderich (TCHK Hoelderich Consultancy, Germany), Matthias Arend, Moritz Venschott
n-butyl levulinate production over acidic ion-exchange resins to fuel reformulation.
Javier Tejero, Eliana Ramírez, Roger Bringué, Carles Fité, Montserrat Iborra,Fidel Cunill (University of Barcelona, Spain)
A novel heterogeneous catalytic process for styrene carbonate synthesis via CO2 utilisation.
Bisi Olaniyan, Joshua Kanmodi (London South Bank University), Basudeb Saha (Lancaster University)
Lunch break
Topic 5: Novel IEX Materials and Processes
Keynote Lecture: Ion exchange: the key for production of hydroxyl carboxylic acids from spent pulping liquor.
Jari Heinonen, Tuomo Sainio (LUT University, Finland)
Application of Ion Exchange for Integrated Management of Geothermal Water-Recovery of Water and Energy
Nalan Kabay, Mithat Yüksela, Esra Altıokb (Ege University, Chemical Engineering Department, Turkey), Enver Güler (Atılım University, Turkey), Müşerref Ardac (Ege University, Chemistry Department, Turkey), Marek Bryjak (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland), Barbara Tomaszewskae (AGH-University of Science and Technology, Kracow, Poland).
Synthesis and application of cellulose-based functionalized adsorbent for the recovery of lithium from aqueous solutions.
Yaşar Kemal Recepoğlu and Aslı Yüksel Özşen (Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey)
Metal-free activated boron nitride: a highly efficient adsorbent for carbon capture.
Basudeb Saha, Fereshteh Hojatisaeidi (Lancaster University), Mauro Mureddu , Alberto Pettinau (Sotacarbo SpA, Italy), Geraldine Durand (The Welding Institute, UK)
A Theoretical Consideration of Efficiences in the Regeneration of Ion-Exchange Resins.
Rolf Clayton (University College, London)
Conference Closing
Rob Terrell, Chair of the IEX2022 Committee
Conference close

Before early bird - ends 27 July 2022
SCI Member - £275
Non-member - £350
Student member - £170
After early bird
SCI Member - £325
Non-member - £400
Student member - £220

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Booking Process
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A limited number of bursaries are available to students to cover their registration fees to attend the online event. To apply for a bursary, please send an email to conferences@soci.org with the subject line “IEX conference – bursary request” in the subject line.

CPD Info

SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.


Exhibition and Sponsorship

Packages are available for the training courses and conference, or the whole week and sponsors and posters will be allocated their own branded 'rooms' to provide excellent access to delegates throughout the meeting. If you are interested in exhibiting at this event, or other sponsorship opportunities, please contact conferences@soci.org or download the registration form by clicking here. Please note exhibition spaces are allocated on a first come first served basis.


Organising Committee
  • Carl Atkinson, EDF Energy
  • Daniel Bracewell, UCL
  • Rob Brown, University of Huddersfield
  • Noel Carr, DuPont Water Solutions
  • Harry Eccles, University of Central Lancashire
  • Klaus-Dieter Topp, DuPont Water Solutions
  • Nicki Edwards, Purolite
  • Gareth Jones, Ovivo UK Ltd
  • Andrew Mosley, RWE
  • Mark Ogden, University of Sheffield
  • Petra Raab, Lanxess Deutschland GmbH
  • Basu Saha, Lancaster University
  • Tuomo Sainio, Lappeenranta University of Technology
  • Rob Terrell, SCI / Industrial Water Consultants Ltd


International Committee
  • Spiro Alexandratos, Hunter College, CUNY, USA
  • Jose Luis Cortina, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
  • Fidel Cunill, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
  • Masahiro Goto, Kyushu University, Japan
  • Eric Guibal, Ecole des Mines d'Alès, Alès, France
  • Takashi Hayashita  Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan
  • Nalan Kabay, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
  • Yu Komatsu, Consultant, Japan
  • Kathryn Mumford, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Dmitri Muraviev, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain
  • Tuomo Sainio, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
  • Shogo Shimazu, Chiba University, Japan
  • Karin Soldenhoff, ANSTO, Australia
  • Kathy Sole, Consultant, South Africa
  • Fernando Valenzuela, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
