21 March 2014

Structure & Patterns in wine. A scientific wine tasting with Luke Webster

Organised by:

SCI's Cambridge & Great Eastern Group and RSC in collaboration with the Cambridge Science Festival 2014

Pfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.

Luke Webster will describe how the flavour and aroma volatiles of wine are created. In other words, how we get from grape juice, which has a comparatively small range of compounds we can smell, to the rich, structured flavours in the finished product. His talk will be illustrated and exemplified with several interesting wines. 
Luke Webster, an enthusiastic wine expert, will lead an informal, entertaining and informative wine tasting with a scientific flavour. He developed his love of wine whilst reading mathematics at Magdalene College, Cambridge. He is a former Cellarer of the Cambridge University Wine and Food Society and an alumnus of Cambridge Wine Merchants, where he led on his particular interest, fortified wines. He is an accomplished independent wine educator, having tutored several hundred tastings tastings and lead many wine appreciation courses, and also serves as a Senior Judge at the International Wine Challenge. Attendees will gain a scientific perspective on the world of wine, illustrated with some choice examples. 
All wines supplied by Cambridge Wine Merchants. 
Accessibility Grants

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Venue and Contact

University of Cambridge

Pfizer Lecture Theatre, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge

John O’Toole

Tel: 01223 894174

Email: john.otoole9@btopenworld.com


Tickets: £10. Adults only (>18). Limited numbers.

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Additional Info
Exhibition and Sponsorship

An exhibition will take place alongside the conference for companies and related organisations who may wish to exhibit. Please email conferences@soci.org for further information and prices. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.