8 February 2022

Green Chemistry Symposium

Organised by:

SCI’s Young Chemists’ Panel

Online Webinar 14:00 - 17:00 GMT

Registration Closed

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Green chemistry focusses on the design of efficient and sustainable routes and process towards chemical products spanning the pharmaceutical, agrochemical and fine chemical sectors.
This meeting focuses on the latest developments in this field in the areas of (bio/chemo) catalysis, photoredox, flow chemistry and more from both academic and industrial manufacturing perspectives.

Gary Noonan

Dr Gary Noonan


Gary Noonan grew up in Cork, Ireland. He did a BSc (Chemistry) at University College Cork, before moving to bonnie Scotland to the University of St Andrews, to work under the supervision of Prof. Matt Clarke. His PhD research applied asymmetric hydroformylation to the synthesis of potential pharmaceutical intermediates. A postdoc at AstraZeneca (AZ), working as part of the ‘synthesis tractability improvement group’ (STIG), was followed by three years working as a medicinal chemist at RedX Pharma; working on developing novel antibiotics. He then returned to AZ to work in process development at the Macclesfield site. Currently, he is a secondee to AZ Global Sustainability.

Rebecca Ruck

Dr Rebecca Ruck


Rebecca Ruck is Executive Director, Merck Process Research & Development, previously obtaining her PhD in organic chemistry from Harvard University. She leads the Enabling Technologies group, a role she proposed that has created an innovation incubator of biologists, chemists and engineers. Her team is making impressive contributions across all pipeline projects, including the application of an unprecedented biocatalytic cascade sequence to the manufacturing route of islatravir, a pioneering photochemical flow process for belzutifan and an immobilized enzymatic flow reaction for a late-stage oncology asset.

Ross Denton

Prof Ross Denton

University of Nottingham

Ross Denton began his research career at University of Nottingham, carrying out his PhD studies with Prof Jim Anderson. Following completion of doctoral research, he moved to The Scripps Research Institute in California as postdoctoral fellow (Prof K C Nicolaou’s group). Returning to UK, he carried out further postdoctoral studies with Prof Steven Ley, CBE, FRS at Cambridge University. Ross returned to Nottingham to begin an independent research career in 2008 as fixed term Lecturer in Organic Chemistry. In 2009 he was appointed to Lectureship in Organic Chemistry, then promoted to Associate Professor in 2016 and to Professor 2020.


Tuesday 8 February

Development of a New Route to Ceralasertib Using a Continuous Flow Photoredox Minisci Process
Gary Noonan, AstraZeneca
Innovation and Green Chemistry Go Hand-in-Hand at MSD
Rebecca Ruck, Merck
Heteroatom Alkylation Reactions Using Carboxylic Acids and Alcohols as Nominal Electrophiles
Ross Denton, University of Nottingham
Open Panel Discussion
Close of webinar
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SCI Member - £40
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Organising Committee
  • Sam Dalton, SCI/ MSD
  • Robert Davidson, SCI/ Dr Reddys
  • Mark Greenhalgh, SCI/ University of Warwick
  • Rhian Holvey, SCI/ Astex
  • Oliver Ring, AstraZeneca

Conference Team

Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org