
Established 1894

Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair

Roger Kearns

NOVA Chemicals

SCI America was established in 1894 and was initially known as the New York Section. It was the first society in the United States to bring together those interested in industrial chemistry. Gradually, the membership of the New York Section spread throughout the country, and in 1919, the name was changed to the America Section to reflect the geographical breadth of its members. SCI America, from the very beginning, has drawn its members from the breadth and depth of the chemical and allied industries.

Meet the Officers

Anthony O'Donovan, Vice Chair


Damian Gumpel, Secretary


Dean Cordle, Treasurer

AC&S Inc

Frank Bozich

Past Chair

Roger Kearns, Chair

NOVA Chemicals

Key Facts

SCI America supports the industry by offering scholarships and internships to underserved and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) chemistry and chemical engineering students; by providing an annual forum, Innovation Day, for R&D scientists of member companies to exchange research ideas and connect with others in their fields; and by recognising the achievements of those in the industry with three awards. For more details on all of SCI America's activities, visit