Mid-Career Group

Established 2019

The SCI Mid-Career Group aims to provide support, tools and strategies to ensure that the mid-career professionals of today can advance their businesses as innovative leaders of the future.

The group has an underlying objective to understand future challenges around experience and skills gaps – using this to inform relevant support for the next generation of technical leadership.

Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair

David Freeman


“It’s great to see the level of interest & engagement in the mid-careers area growing!  As a group and committee, we are committed, with SCI, to fill a gap and provide learning and networking opportunities for professionals at this stage of their career.  Our vision is to support mid-career professionals to become the next generation of leaders, driving innovation through broadening external perspectives and networks, empowering career development, and developing technical depth.  We are a growing community and hope that you will join us at future events.”

Meet the Committee Officers

Dan Smith


Nigel Fenwick


Paul Price


David Freeman


A mid-career professional ....

  • has greater than 10 years’ career experience
  • is in a 2nd or 3rd role or has developed specialised expertise in a particular area
  • wishes to develop in their current role or is thinking about their next step up the career ladder