Event Review: The Science Behind Beer evening

04 September 2018

On Tuesday 21 August 2018, SCI's Australia International group and delegates enjoyed a night filled of beer tasting and talks on the science of brewing. 

Richard Thwaites, Australia International group Chair

With a Fat Yak and White Rabbit at every table, you might be forgiven for thinking that RACI and SCI members and friends were attending a zoology lesson at the William Angliss Conference Centre. But you would be wrong. Fat Yak and White Rabbit are the names of but two of the many beers tasted and evaluated at the recent SCI/RACI Vic Branch Food, Nutrition and Analytical Chemistry function.

It was a splendid evening. Brewing expert Ian McInerney, ably assisted by his partner Lisa Owens, explained in detail technical aspects of how beer is brewed, and introduced the concept of the “Flavour Wheel” to show how beers are evaluated. We then got onto the business end of the evening, tasting a variety of brews made by both major and boutique breweries.

Ian assured us that unlike wine tasting, with beer tasting you are supposed to swallow – not to spit it out after swirling the amber fluid around in your mouth. That undoubtedly aided the conviviality of the proceedings.

This could have been a recipe for disaster, but quantities sampled were small, and Angliss put on a superb spread (cold meats, breads, dried fruits, several different cheeses and more) to soak up the ethanol.

So many thanks to everyone involved, and special thanks to Lisa and Ian for all their hard work!

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