29 Jun 2009
Moira was born in Cambridge and lived there for most of her school career, except for one year in Briançon, France, at age 11, where she began to take an active interest in science. After taking all the sciences at ‘A’ level, Moira won a place to read engineering at Jesus College, Oxford, graduating with first class Honours and winning the Edgell Sheppe project prize for her work on non-invasive cancer therapy using focused ultrasound.
While at university she won the National Engineering Leadership Award, which enabled her to work in Shanghai, China on a World Bank regeneration project. She has also won the BNFL commendation award for her poster presentation in the UK House of Commons as well as learnt to fly solo with the Oxford University Air Squadron.
From a young age she has been an active sportswoman and cellist, representing her country as both a hockey umpire and as part of National Orchestras. She is currently researching non-invasive drug delivery for cancer therapy at St John's College, Cambridge.
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