SCI's 27th Fine Chemicals Postgraduate Meeting proves popular

1 Jun 2016

The Scotland section meeting of the annual SCI Postgraduate Symposium took place at the University of St. Andrews on Tuesday 12 April 2016.

An audience of over 70 attended the meeting and they were treated to ten talks by speakers from five universities; Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Glasgow, Strathclyde and St. Andrews.

Picture from left to right: David Leese (Peakdale Molecular and SCI organiser) Thomas West (runner-up), Nicholas Measom (winner) and Iain Simpson (AZ and SCI organiser)

The talks contained science of an extremely high standard and were presented in a professional manner. After considerable debate Nicholas Measom from the University of Strathclyde was awarded 1st prize for his excellent talk entitled ’Synthetic approaches to a [1.1.1]bicyclopentane and its incorporation into darapladib as a phenyl bioisostere’. Thomas West from the University of St. Andrews was the runner-up for his talk on ’Catalytic asymmetric [2,3]-rearrangement of allylic ammonium ylides: A synthetic and mechanisitc study’.

The participation by the audience as well as the high quality of the talks made this a very enjoyable and interesting event.

SCI would like to thank the University of St. Andrews and local organiser Prof Doug Philp for hosting the event in addition to AstraZeneca and Advion who provided financial support for the day.

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