AGM 2015: Nominee Biographies now available

27 May 2015

We are pleased to say that we have seen strong interest from a wide range of members who wish to participate in SCI's governance. As there are more candidates than positions for the Chair and ordinary Members of the Board of Trustees there will be an election.

Board of Trustees
Chair (an election will be required)
Dr Alan Baylis
Mr John Brown

Ordinary Members (an election will be required)
Mrs Diane Brown
Dr Peter Hambleton
Dr Mark Harrison
Mr Derek Heywood
Mr Julian Perfect
Mr Peter Reineck
Prof K. Clive Thompson

There were fewer candidates than available positions, for ordinary members of the Finance and Investments Advisory Committee, Membership Affairs committee and Publications Advisory Committee. Therefore the following candidates will be selected unopposed.

Finance and Investment Advisory Committee
Ordinary Members (no election)
Dr Len Copping
Dr John Farmer
Dr Peter Hambleton
Mr Patrick Kitt
Mr Julian Perfect
Dr Anthony Wragg

Membership Affairs Committee
Chairman (no election)
Dr Len Copping

Ordinary Members (no election)
Dr Oliver Choroba
Mr Martin Elliott
Dr David Evans
Dr Mary Nnankya
Dr Fred Parrett
Mr Peter Reineck

Publications Advisory Committee
Ordinary Members (no election)
Dr Gabriel Okafor
Prof Andrew Waterhouse

As an SCI member you are encouraged to use your vote. A biography for each of the candidates will be available in the AGM postal pack that will be with you shortly. Alternatively you can download the biographies for the candidates using the link below.

You have two options available to you for voting. You can either vote by post using the postal voting form that will be in your AGM postal pack. Please note if you are voting by post, your vote must reach the independent scrutineer by 5pm on 19 June 2015 in order to be valid.

If you would prefer, you can also vote at the AGM in person on 1 July 2015. You can register your attendance using the link below.

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