Claire Skipper: London Group Committee Chair

29 Jan 2015

Claire Skipper joined SCI in 2011. She was elected as an ordinary member of the London Group Committee in 2012 and became Chair of the London Group in 2013.

If you want to find out more about Claire or get in touch with her, you can contact her via the Members' Directory (you will need to sign in to view). If you need help searching the directory please click on the how-to guide below.

When and why did you become a member of SCI?
I became a member of SCI whilst a PhD student at University College London. The SCI London Group sponsor the student run Chemical Physical Society at UCL. I was the Secretary of the CPS and was seconded on to the committee of the London Group. I wished to remain on the committee and so joined SCI.

Why did you decide to get involved in an SCI Committee?
I decided that I wanted to be on the SCI London Group committee as I had enjoyed organising events for the Chemical Physical Society at UCL and wished to continue to do that sort of activity. I felt that I could continue to do that on the SCI London Group committee

How do your SCI activities reflect your personal/professional interests?
On the London Group committee I help to organise social events which I hope others will enjoy and wish to attend. I choose events that I believe they will enjoy and sometimes these events are also those that I have experienced and enjoyed myself. For example, I organised a visit to a Canal Museum as I had taken my parents to the Canal Museum  previously and they had enjoyed the trip.

What has driven your continued involvement?
I continue to be involved due to a sense of responsibility to the London Group, I am keen to help them to achieve their goals.

How has being involved in SCI activities impacted on your career?
I no longer work in a scientific career so my focus has now shifted in my professional life, however my involvement in SCI still continues as I like working with the London Group committee, and am passionate about the activities we organise.

How do you think that your contribution has helped to shape your Group or SCI as a whole?
I hope that my involvement has helped to ensure that the London Group will continue to prosper. The more people who are involved with group activities, the less that each has to do to organise our programme of many events.

By being involved on a committee, what opportunities have been presented to you which you would not have otherwise had?
As a member of a committee you get to choose which events you believe that the members will wish to attend. You also have greater knowledge about the direction of the society and possibly a chance to affect which direction it takes.

How do you balance your SCI commitments with your job and workload?
I manage to balance my workload and SCI commitments by being disciplined and mainly thanks to a supportive team

What is the most important lesson you have learnt by being an SCI committee member?
Being an SCI committee member has helped teach me how to work with lots of different people.

What advice would you offer to anyone thinking about becoming involved in an SCI Group or Standing Committee?
I would advise anyone thinking about joining a committee to do so and try it out. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain as in the unlikely event that it does not turn out very well they can always change their mind!

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