28th International Horticultural Congress, Portugal, 22-27 August 2010

31 Jan 2011

Sofia Foukaraki reports from the 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-27 August 2010

The Congress was attended by more than 3,000 participants and was a joint event between the Portuguese Horticultural Association and the Spanish Society for Horticultural Sciences. The Congress was a very large event including colloquia, symposia, seminars, workshops, poster sessions and exhibitions addressing every issue and specialisation of horticultural science and industry. I was very pleased to be accepted to give an oral presentation in such an important congress and have the opportunity to interact with other scientists from across the globe.

My presentation entitled ‘Ethylene exposure after dormancy break is as effective in controlling sprout growth as continuous ethylene for some UK-grown potato cultivars’ was part of my project as a PhD student in the Plant Science Laboratory in Cranfield University under the supervision of Dr Leon A Terry. This work will also be submitted as an eight page article that will be published in Acta Horticulturae, the congress proceedings. My presentation was very well received by the audience and has been published on their website.

The entire experience has been very useful for me in terms of broadening my knowledge in the postharvest and horticultural area and has given me the confidence to present my work at future conferences.

I am very grateful to SCI for awarding me an A J Banks bursary and enabling me to attend this congress.

Sofia Foukaraki
Plant Science Laboratory, Cranfield University

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