Sixth International Postharvest Symposium, Antalya, Turkey 8-12 April 2009

The 6th International Postharvest Postharvest Symposium was held in the city of Antalya, Turkey and focused on reducing postharvest losses ensuring sufficient food, both in quantity and in quality, are made available across the world. The conference provided an invaluable opportunity for scientists, professionals, and students to present their latest findings in research, to share ideas, and to discuss common issues. The conference focused on three main areas; technology, physiology and pathology. There were four days of presentations split into three halls with invited speakers in the mornings and additional workshops in the evenings. Additionally over 350 posters were on display for the duration of the conference.

I was given the opportunity to present my work titled ‘Relationship between colour and biochemical composition of skin from onions cv. Red Baron bulbs cured at different temperatures’ as well as submitting an eight-page article which will be published in Acta Horticulturae conference proceedings.

The entire experience has allowed me to gain further confidence by presenting my work to a large scientific community as well as broaden my knowledge of the most recent work in the postharvest field. Additionally, I was able to meet and discuss my work with fellow scientists and establish connections for future opportunities. The conference was of a very high standard in both scientific content and cultural experience. There were tours set up in the evenings to experience Turkish theatre and traditional Turkish dancing as well one afternoon solely dedicated to a tour of Antalya city.

Finally, I am grateful to SCI for granting me the A J Banks travel bursary. It is only through this financial support that I was able to attend this conference.

Katherine Downes,
Cranfield University

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