Membership Committee

The Membership Committee (MC) advises the Board of Trustees on ways to improve SCI members’ experiences. MC works with the membership and the Executive team to identify opportunities for new products and services to assist members to better achieve SCI’s charitable objective of accelerating Innovation into Industry, for the benefit of Society.

Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair

Ray Jones


Welcome to the Membership Committee.

If SCI is to thrive it needs make its influence count, deliver benefits for its members and expand its appeal as a membership organisation. The Membership Committee has been formed to help drive these essential but challenging objectives. As well as elected members, the MC has opportunities for co-options so if you think that this team is an SCI activity where you could contribute your skills, knowledge and energy, please contact SCI Committee support.

Meet the Committee

Dr Maryam Bayati

Ordinary Member

Dr David Leese

Ordinary Member

Dr Claudio Lourenco

Ordinary Member

Prof Ray Jones


Simon Curtis

Ordinary Member

John Hardy

Ordinary Member

Rahul Kumar

Ordinary Member

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In addition, the MC have the responsibility to consider nominations for the Lampitt Medal and Distinguished Service Award, and to evaluate proposals for Honorary or Life Membership of the SCI. These activities serve to enhance the status of SCI membership in the wider scientific community.