Beilby Medal and Prize

Established 1930

The Beilby Medal and Prize are awarded annually to a scientist or engineer to recognise substantial work of exceptional practical significance in chemical engineering, applied materials science, energy efficiency, or a related field. Preference is given to candidates in early stages of their careers.

This award is sustained by a Trust Fund commemorating Sir George Beilby FRS (1850-1924) who was President of SCI (1898-99), the Institute of Chemistry (1902-12) and the Institute of Metals (1916-18) and founding Chairman of the Fuel Research Board.

It is administered in rotation by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), the Royal Society of Chemistry, and SCI.

Award Information

Medal History

The Beilby Medal and Prize was established in 1930 in honour of Sir George Beilby. Sir Beilby's long and remarkable career as scientist and industrialist was marked by an enduring interest in the twin concerns of fuel economy and smoke abatement. His dedication and energetic research had great significance for the fuel and metal industries, and produced far-reaching advantages for society. He was SCI World President in 1898 and contributed greatly to SCI's growth in Scotland. A Beilby Memorial Fund to reward exceptional research was raised in his honour by subscription.

Lecture Details

2023: Dr Charlotte Vogt, Technion Institute for Technology received the 2023 Beilby Medal. The 2023 Beilby Medal and Prize is being administered by the SCI.

2022: Prof Sahika Inal, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology received the 2022 Beilby Medal. The 2022 Beilby Medal and Prize was administered by the IOM3.

2021: Dr Pola Goldberg Oppenheimer MRSC of the University of Birmingham received the 2021 Beilby Medal. The 2021 Beilby Medal and Prize was administered by the RSC.


The Beilby Medal and Prize is administered in rotation by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), the Royal Society of Chemistry, and SCI.

2023 Recipient - Dr Charlotte Vogt

The 2023 Beilby Medal and Prize has been awarded to Dr Charlotte Vogt for her work in the field of catalysis. Charlotte started her own research group at the Technion Institute for Technology in Israel. Read more about Dr Vogt and her research.



2020 Recipient - Prof Jin Xuan

The 2020 Beilby Medal and Prize has been awarded to Professor Jin Xuan for his work on reaction and thermofluids engineering, the aim being to achieve clean growth, sustainable development and industrial decarbonisation.

Professor Jin Xuan is based at the UK’s Loughborough University, Department of Chemical Engineering. Read more here.

2017 Recipient - Prof Ken Tye Yong

The 2017 Beilby Medal and Prize has been awarded to Professor Ken Tye Yong. who has made significant advances related to the integration of nanotechnology with medical imaging and gene therapy.

Associate Professor Yong is based at Nanyang Technological University, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Singapore. Read more about Prof Yong and his research here.

Eligibility Criteria

    • Substantial work of exceptional merit and practical significance.
    Career Stage
    • Preference is given to candidates in early stages of their careers.
    • Chemical engineering
    • Materials science and engineering
    • Energy efficiency, or a related field


Nominations open 3 October 2022
Nominations close 27 January 2023

Additional Information

Code of Ethics for Members

Other SCI Awards

Joseph Bazalgette Award

The Joseph Bazalgette Award was formerly named the Construction Materials Group Young Researchers' Award and is awarded to the person producing the best paper/presentation given at a Construction Materials Young Researchers' Forum.

George Bessey Award

The award allows the Construction Materials Group to recognise the efforts of dedicated and exceptional Members who have given their time to recruit new Members, administer the Group's affairs, write for publications, and/or otherwise contribute.