McBain Medal

Established 2006

The McBain Medal is an annual award to honour an early career researcher or technologist who has made a meritorious contribution to colloid and interface science. The award is intended to recognise both achievement and evidence of future promise. It is named after James William McBain. To be eligible, the candidate should be in the UK in the earlier stages of their career, typically within 15 years of attaining their doctorate (or equivalent degree), and will have advanced the science or technology of the field in a significant way.

Award Information

Medal History

The award was established in 2006 and is intended to recognise both achievement and evidence of future promise. It is named after James William McBain (1882-1953), who was a Canadian colloid chemist whose main focus of research was in soap solutions, and especially in their use as electrolytic conductors.


Nominated by Joint Colloids Group (SCI CSCG and RSC CISG) members, this also includes self-nomination with the support of referees who must be a member of the Joint Colloids Group.

Nominations can be made through the nomination form once nominations open.

Lecture Details

Selected by Joint Colloids Group Committee, the McBain Medal awards consists of a Medal and a Certificate which will be presented at the SCI McBain Lecture event. The recipient will also be expected to present a lecture at the event.

Eligibility Criteria

    • Significant contribution to Colloid and Interface Science
    • UK based, or
    • Have carried out a substantial part of research work in the UK
    Career Stage
    • Nominee must be within 15 years of their postgraduate study completion
    • Colloid and Interface Science
**Currently-serving members of the Joint Colloids Group Committee are not eligible for the award.


Nominations open 1 August
Nominations close 31 December
Frequency Annual

Additional Information

Code of Ethics for Members

Other SCI Awards

Sir Eric Rideal Lecture

The Sir Eric Rideal Lecture is a late-career or “life-time achievement award”, which recognises and honours an individual who has made a sustained and distinguished contribution to colloid and interface science in the UK.

Thomas Graham Lecture

The Graham Lecture will be awarded to those working in the UK who are in the prime of their research careers, have established an international reputation in colloid science, and have already made distinguished contributions to the field of colloid science.