Separation Science Lecture

Established 1995

The SCI Separation Science and Technology Group covers not only solvent extraction and ion exchange, (its traditional areas of concentration), but also absorption, adsorption, biosorption, distillation, filtration, flotation, membrane application and precipitation.

SCI Separation Science and Technology Group has an international reputation for unique work in developing a disseminating knowledge of separation processes and applications, particularly in relation to sustainable development issues. Coupling creativity with innovation by industry has been a standard feature in all the Group's activities. Members welcome the opportunity to network at group events, to benefit their respective organisations. Equally beneficial is the training and professional development contribution, especially for the novice in separation science and technology. Companies recognise these benefits and regularly give financial support to some of the group's events.

Separation technologies are used in every industrial sector in which SCI operates, from energy and natural resources, through food and pharmaceuticals to chemicals and materials. Their contribution to environmental protection especially in relation to mineral extraction and processing has been outstanding. Biotechnology, in which SCI played a pioneering role, has a key role to play in current approaches. Lectures can come from any field of endeavour.

Award Information


Nominations for the Separation Science Lecture can be made by any SCI Member or Committee officer. The recipient is selected by the Separation Science and Technology Group Committee.

Lecture Details

Selected by the SCI Separation Science and Technology Group Committee, the winner will be expected to give a lecture and will be presented with a certificate at a meeting organised by the Separation Science and Technology Group.

Eligibility Criteria

    • Authority in a branch of Separation Science and Technology
    Career Stage
    • Mid – Late Career
    • Diverse subject areas


Nominations open TBC
Nominations close TBC
Frequency Next application period to be advised

Additional Information

Code of Ethics for Members

Other SCI Awards

Carl Hanson Medal

The Carl Hanson Medal is seen as a life-time award to recognise scientists and engineers working in the general field of solvent extraction science and technology and is administered on behalf of SCI and DECHEMA by the International Committee for Solvent Extraction.

Henry E Armstrong Memorial Lecture

Henry Armstrong, the Society's first Messel Medallist, was a visionary, a pioneer, and a highly respected SCI member. This lecture honours those who are an authority in a field of process engineering.