Henry E Armstrong Memorial Lecture

Established 1941

Henry Armstrong, the Society's first Messel Medallist, was a visionary, a pioneer, and a highly respected SCI member. His influence and progressive approach helped shape changing attitudes towards chemistry and contributed to the growth of chemistry's industrial application.

Award Information

Award History

The Henry E Armstrong Memorial Lecture was established in 1943 in honour of Henry E Armstrong. His life's work was centred on chemistry education within engineering schools, and through it he came to be recognised as a founding father of chemical engineering. He played an important part in establishing the former SCI Process Engineering Group.


Nominations for the Henry E Armstrong Memorial Lecture can be made by any SCI Member or committee officer. The recipient will be selected by the Awards Committee.

Lecture Details

The winner will be presented with a certificate and will also be expected to give a lecture. The presentation is made at an SCI conference related to the topics covered by the award. The award takes place annually.

Eligibility Criteria

    • Authority in a field of process engineering
    Career Stage
    • Mid – Late Career
    • Chemical engineering
    • Materials science and engineering
    • Energy efficiency


Nominations open TBC
Nominations close TBC
Frequency Annually

Additional Information

Code of Ethics for Members

Unidentified photographer, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

Other SCI Awards

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